Going home

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It took three weeks to heal everyone. I left at dawn Lincoln walked with me. Im still upset with him. He tried to talk to me, not only back when I was healing people but now to. But I would  just walk faster or ignore him. I don't remember the camp being so far. I stopped at a tree and caught my breathe.
"Lincoln I think we should stop here. Its to far and my feet and back are killing me." First words I spoke to him in a while. I wanted to rest but Lincoln had other plans. He picked me up bridal style carried me the rest of the way. I saw the camp come into view.
"You can put me down Lincoln." I walked closer and I heard someone yell out.
"Its Clarke open the gate!" Lincoln and I walked in and everyone ran up to me and hugged me. Octavia and Raven was the last to hugged me. Then Octavia went and hugged Lincoln and kissed him. I looked everywhere for that one person. I didn't see him anywhere.
"If your looking for Bellamy he's in his tent." I nodded my head and began to walk in that direction. I stopped at the tent and open it. I couldn't believe it he was having sex with girl. I felt the tears start to form and I walked off into the drop ship. I shouldn't be mad I don't even like him. But I can't help but feel jealous. I just gave up with my mental fight. And I walked in the drop ship and I saw Finn. I need to tell him about the baby before I tell the rest of the camp. I feel like I'm telling Bellamy all over again.
"Finn can I talk to you?" He turned around and was surprised to see me. He hugged me and told me how much he missed me. But he still nodded his head motioning for me to continue.
"Okay look this isn't easy to say." I breathe out.
"Your pregnant." I was shocked to say the least. He guessed this so quickly.
"Clarke first your stomach is way bigger then when left and I kinda figure." He said.
"Yea and it was supposed to be a surprise." Finn smiled. Bellamy suddenly walked in and the smile was gone.
"I'll give you guys some room. Later princess." I nodded my head a fine. He left the drop ship and it was back to being quiet again.
"I heard you were back." I nodded my head.
"Yup just came back." I said popping the p. He began to walk near me.
"I having been able to get you off my mind. All I could think about is you and the baby." I smiled. Awe he does care.
I decided that I should tell him the whole story. I left out the part about me sleeping with the commander. He stormed out of the drop ship. I think I shouldn't of said anything. I hear a bunch of commotion outside. I walked and saw two people fighting.
"Hey stop it." I ran to them and I could them a little more clearly. Bellamy was punching Lincoln while Lincoln was trying to throw him off.
"Bell stop it. Get off of him." I pulled him away and helped Lincoln up. I looked at him a black eye and his lip was bleeding. "What were you thinking?" I said looking at the both of them.
"I told him to protect you!" I looked at him beyond pissed.
"I get it! Bell. I was mad too! But I got over it. Beating him up when we just got a peace treaty isn't a good thing." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
He hung his head.
"You are so lucky she saved you." I smiled at them. I gave Lincoln a hug and thanked him. And then I did the same to Bellamy. I soon after walked off to my tent. Its been a long day and I just want to sleep it away.
Yessssssss! I'm done. Okay next chapter we might jump two months. I have to see. But you will find out about the love triangle. And who Clarke wants to be with. But not next chapter. That's in another chapter. But still give me your votes for who you want it to be. Later babies.
P.s that's my new name for y'all. 😍😘

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