The core of you - Part 2

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"Alright, alright! I'm coming!", you yell as you stumble out of the guest bedroom, pulling up your sweatpants as you're walking over, hair still wet from the shower and a banging headache causing you to grit your teeth. You fling the door open and stand in the opening, eyes red with anger. Bellamy only grins back at you, Jasper and Monty not far behind him both with just as messy hair as you. "I should slap you", you say instead of asking him if he knows what the time is and how incredibly stupid it is of him to bang on the door like a fucking gorilla.

Like you would run for the door if he just banged a few more times.

And it's not like you're on edge and slightly hungover.

"You could try", he answers and goes in for a kiss on the cheek. You grunt in response as he slips past you into the apartment. Jasper and Monty both offer you smiles, but do not try to get any hugs considering how narrowed your eyes are and how much of not a morning person you are. They learned that lesson a long time ago. When you close the door again, Bellamy's watching you with a teasing smile. He eyes you up and down before clicking his tongue against his lip. "No beauty sleep for you, huh?".

You flip him off, too tired to actually hit him even though he most definitely deserves it.

"Don't listen to him, Raven. He's just grumpy because his sister's getting married before he is", Jasper comments and Bellamy's face falls. Even though it's meant as a joke, Jasper is right on some level. Bellamy might not be the kind of person who dreams about a big wedding or meeting the one, but he is Bellamy Blake after all.

The romantic in him must be taking a good beating out of this.

You chose to not comment on it. Although you can't help the small moan that slips your lips as you tilt your head ever so slightly and pain shooting down your neck. Jasper is quick on his feet and returns from the kitchen without you even knowing that he even disappeared from your side, holding a glass of water in one hand and painkillers in the other. You're this close to kissing him.

"Bell take notes, this is how a gentleman acts", you teas as you take the pills and swallow them down with big gulps of water. Bellamy scoffs.

"He's just trying to get some dirty weeding sex".

Monty huffs, but when you look over at him you can tell that he is having difficulties with holding back laughter. Just like all the other times in the past that Jasper has made a fool out of himself or when he has been in any other state than sober. Just like that it feels like nothing has changed, like you didn't get on that plane and missed out on a whole year of being with these knuckleheads. Just like that you're reminded of what you could have lost and will if you leave for a second time.

(The tug at your chest stays at a steady rhythm, it only hurts a little bit more.)

"Fat chance", you mumble as Jasper's cheeks flash red.

"Aren't you running late?", Lincoln adds before no one else can reply from where he's standing at the kitchen table. His tux hanging with the hook in one of the upper cupboards in the kitchen and his vows displayed on the kitchen table.

(If you didn't know better, you'd say that he's getting nervous because he's never this tidy.)

(He is incredibly nervous.)

"Do you need a ride?", Monty asks and you fire off a big smile directed to Bellamy, teasing as hell. He only shakes his head, but those eyes are filled with warmth and promise of a lot more than just teasing each other for the rest of the weekend.

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