chapter 19.

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Klaus' pov

Lilo and Paul are getting married today and Lilo asked me to walk her down the aisle and I said I'd love to. Its amazing that our family got this big. The hunter was dealt with, Jacob killed him cause he went after Milo. Jacob is a nice guy and he's like a brother to Milo. They argue like brother and sister too. Anyways the girls walked down the aisle and than I walked Lilo down the aisle. I gave Paul her hand and kissed her cheek than went and stood with his groomsmen. I winked at Milo and she blushed making me chuckled silently.

"I do." Lilo said and I smiled at my sister in law.

"I do." Paul said and they kissed and we all clapped. They walked down the aisle than me and Milo went next and the others after us. They were going to Bulgaria for their honey moon. Its where her family is from so they chose Bulgaria like mine and Milo's second honey moon. We soon cleaned the back yard up and went to the theatre and watched movies as a vampire. We found out that Milo can turn the Cullen's into our kind of vampire and they all asked her to so they are like us and she made the daylight rings and its good cause Carlisle is almost as old as me and my sibling's. He was turned in 11th century. Rosalie was turned in the 1920's and Carlisle saved her from dieing. He save Jasper from going to the dark side and he turned his wife and than saved Edward and Emmett.

Milo's pov

We sat there watching a movie when the door bell rung. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it to be daggered. I saw Elena than I dropped dead. I saw everyone going insane. Klaus tried taking the dagger out but it burned him

"Get it out." I screamed and the windows shattered making everyone jump. Jacob grabbed it and tried pulling it out but it wouldn't come out. Klaus flashed to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and went back to my body and wrapped it around the handle and pulled it out. I gasped awake and coughed and laid back down and groaned.

"I say I kill her. Anyone want to join?" I asked and the girls said me.

"Not a word to Lilo." I said and they chuckled.

"So um mom were you the one that shattered the windows? Lucifer asked and I giggled.

"Maybe. What's it to you kid." I said and he playfully glared at me. He hates being called kid. Klaus helped me up and healed me just in case.

"Well note to self find the ash and than kill Elena." I said and they all smiled.

"To bad Elena didn't dagger you." I heard Katherine's voice.

"Tatia did some how she came back to life." She said and I turned around to see Katherine.

"Wait there's 3 of you. Holy shit you know what let's just kill them all." Jacob growled and I giggled.

"On the contrary Jacob, Katherine is here for Elijah." I said and walked to her. Than pinned her to the wall.

"Who gave her the dagger?" I asked and she gasped for air.

"Don't make me ask again Katherine cause it won't be pretty." I growled and she coughed and said Damon. I dropped her and picked the dagger up.

"So there's more out there that can put me to sleep." I said and sighed. Lucifer hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Looks like we are going to go on a trip." Emmett said and the triplets hugged me along with Hope.

"Ugh I'm one person." I teased and they chuckled and let go. Klaus hugged me and we all packed. I used Katherine's blood to find Tatia. She's in mystic falls she must have got a jet. We got the plane and it took off. Katherine was freed by Klaus and she and Elijah are patching things up.


Tatia's pov

I got back to mystic falls to kill Damon than Elena. He may have brought me back cause a witch owed him but I don't like him. I walked into the boarding house and Damon flashed in front of me and I smirked.

"Goodbye." I said only for my heart to be ripped out. I dropped dead and I saw my body turn all pale.

Damon's pov

"Goodbye." She said but she coughed up blood and dropped. I looked and saw Milo.

"Its not nice to have others do your dirty work love." She said and I growled.

"Its not nice to growl at me either. Especially when your life is in my hands." She said and dropped Tatia's heart.

"So what your going to kill me than what will you do with Elena she'll try to kill you." I said and she smirked.

"See I made this thing on our way here and I'm going to imprison her. She won't have no one but her self she'll eventually go crazy and off her self. And you well you get to die a slow painful death." She said and and a blonde girl growled.

"I don't like when people go after my mom." She said and stepped forward. I flashed away but was thrown back.

"Hello Damon. Its good to see you mate." Klaus said and the girl snapped my neck.

Hope's pov

Everyone searched the house for Elena but didn't find her body so mom used Katherine to find her and she was in the cemetery. I bit Damon and made his bite kill him slowly and we than went to Elena and she gasped awake right when we got there.

"Milo." She growled and I snapped her neck. We cleaned 15 hospitals of blood and attached them to Elena and than mom sent her to the prison world 1996 the year she was born. We than went to New Orleans for a while.

Klaus' pov

We walked into the compound and everyone picked a room. Milo had made the compound bigger with  magic and we got our room and we than went to sleep.

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