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"You look lovely, darling" my mother exclaimed as she bent down and kissed my cheek gently.

"I don't see why I have to come to this stupid opera, I don't see why we have to go at all. Since when were we posh!" I replied harshly ignoring her compliment.

"Oh Gracie calm down, don't be so stubborn! You might even enjoy youself, and you know you don't need to be posh to go and see an opera" She answered me with an annoyed tone.

I sighed dramatically as if this was the end of world,when infact I wasn't really that bothered about going. What bothered me was the fact that my dickhead of a brother gets to stay at home and he will most probably invite all of his friends, and then make gigantic mess that I will have to clean up.

"How come Louis gets to stay home?!" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Because Louis is an adult and he gets to make his own choices"My mother told me.

I scoffed " As if Louis is classed as an adult he can barley tie his shoe laces nevermind be in charge of our home! Imagine what the outcome of this could be!?House fire,Humungous party,wreck YOUR garage dad!He's only four years older than me and yet still he acts as if hes four years old!!"

"The four year old isnt deaf y'know!!" Louis shouted from the living room.

"But he is stupid" I muttered under my breath.

"Gracie! That's enough your coming with your mother and I, and we are going to use the tickets that your grandmother bought us and were going to watch this opera! Whether you like it or not!" My father growled.

"You know your worse than Professor Ishii!!" I screamed using my scientic knowledge as a weapon.

Silence took over the room as received strange glances from my family. That was until louis broke out with a ear piercing laugh.

"Oh my God! Your such a freak!" Louis laughed, I could practically hear him rolling around on the floor. SERIOUSLY!!

"Im gonna kill y-" I was cut of when myfather literally picked me up and carried me on his shoulder, while I pounded on his back to put me down so I could kill my brother once and for all.

As my father carried me towards the car I could hear my mother faintly saying goodbye to my brother and them echanging I love you's, before she shut the door and followed me and my father to our black Range Rover. My father began to buckle me in to my seat before I raised my eybrows at him.

"Im not a baby dad, I'm sixteen years old and im pretty sure I know how to put my own seatbelt on" I told him with a slightly amusing tone to my voice.

"I don't care how old you are Gracie, youll always be my baby" he replied giving a light feathered kiss to my forehead, before shutting my door, and walking towards the drivers seat.

I don't what I sensed in his voive it could have been saddnes, guilt even but the question is, why? I thought about this as my father began reversing out of the driveway. After just a couple of minutes we were on the motorway and on our way.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning witthhhh....R!" My father said proudly, as me and my mother chuckled softly at his immaturity.

I paid no attention to the game my father had just started as my eyes had locked onto my parents hands that were interlocked. I admired my parents relationship and how much love they shared. I noticed my father gazing over to my mother looking at her in awe.

My mother was so beautiful. She had prominent jawline and cheekbones that her long dark brown hair framed perfectly and casaded down over her petite shoulders. Her eyes were a shade of pale blue, they were gentle yet striking at the same time, similar to Louis. Her skin was flawless something that I envied her for. However, it wasn't her beauty that I loved most about her, it was her fun, loving and caring personality, that was always their to comfort me when I was down.

My father on the other hand was the complete opposite. He had broad shoulders and was very strong and athletic, but you know what they say. Opposites attract. I loved this about my father he always made me feel safe and protected.

Something caught my eye whilst I was deep in thought about my parents. It was bright. No, they were bright, and they were nearing us, gaining speed quickly. Car. WHY WAS IT COMING TOWARDS US?

"Car!" I let out a blood curdling scream, tears already forming in my eyes. My fathers attention returned to the road immediately. It was too late, there was nothing he could do that would get us out of this horride situation. The last thing I remember was my mothers screams before the car came at us at a incredible speed, before everthing went black.


My eyes refused to open, all I could focus on was the persisant beeping coming from beside me.

BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. Will someone turn that Fking thing off!

I tried to move my body but as I did I felt pain shoot through every inch of my body, and I let out a cry finally able to open my eyes.

"Gracie! Hold on don't move, let me get a nurse for you" my brother said in a pacicked voice.

I was greatly confused as the scene in front of me gradually unfolded. I was in a hospital. Then everything came back to me. The lights. The car. The accident. My parents.

"Louis, wheres mum and dad" I aswered worry lacing through my voice.

"Grace" I looked up to see Louis's eyes red and puffy.

"Where are they?" I questiond in a panicked voice. I tried to sit up and look for them ignoring the pain lacing through my body. Louis rushed to my side and held on to me. I hugged him tightly as if he was the only thing that was holding me down. At that point I knew it. They were gone.

"It's just you and me now Grace, you and me forever"


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