Chapter 3

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"DAD STOP!!" I cried.

"Gracie, wake up, it's just a dream!" I could hear Louis voice shouting.

"Gracie!" I sprung up from my bed as Louis caught me in his arms. Sharp breaths racking my body and sweat pouring of my skin.

"Your okay Gracie, I'm here" Louis whispered in my ear as he rocked us back and for gently, while he stroked his hand through my hair comfortingly.

We sat there for a while just listening to eachothers hearts beating as if it gave us both some sort of comfort being together. I guess it's like a sibling thing, we just knowing that one another is safe and lately the only place I feel safe is when I'm Louis.

He pulled away from me "I'm going to go and make us some breakfast while you get ready for school" He smiled at me one last time before escaping through the door and down stairs to the kitchen.

I took one last huff, before I hieved myself out of bed and made my way towards my bathroom. I took a quick shower and washed my with my favourite floral sented shampoo and conditioner.

I stepped out of the shower and brushed my teath, before walking into my wardrobe to find something suitable to wear. I chose a pair of skinny denim jeans with a long sleeve beige jumper that ended mid-thigh. I quickly added some makeup making sure to cover the red area still surrounding my nose, thanks to Vanessa's right hook. Thankfully the sweelling had gone down and it didn't hurt as much as it did yesterday, but I could steel feel a light throbbing throught my nose. I chucked my brown boots on that ended just before my knees and grabbed my bag and jacket, before trotting down the stairs.

I was in a suprisingly good mood despite my throbbing nose, but it might have been due to the fact I could smell something really delicious coming from the kitchen. I followed the smell and was engulfed in the smell of pancakes as I entered the kitchen.

Louis pancakes were the best. Whenever he wants to cheer me up he always makes them. He knows me so well. I guess the love for food id one of the many things that me and Louis have in common, which is great because neither one of us are that great at words, and you know what they say food can speak a thousand of them. Well that's what I think anyway.

"Mmm, smells yummy" I smiled, making my prresence known.

"Here you go, eat up" Louis brought a plate of the pancakes over to me.

My pancakes were covered in nutella with cut up strawberries on the top, and Louis were engulfed in lemon and sugar. We both sat at the table in a comfortable silence eating our pancakes and admiring the open forest that could be seen through the patio doors. When we finally finished our pancakes it was eight o'clock and I needed to get a move on and get to school.

I collected mine and Louis plates and loaded them into the dishwasher. Then it dawned on me, and my smile dropped. Olivia. Louis being Louis noticed this and immediately asked me whats wrong.

"Urghh, I have to this new girl around the school today because its her first day" I said with a pout and Louis chuckled.

"What's so wrong about that? Wouldn't it be nice to have a friend of your own for a cahnge, rather than stealing mine" He questioned with a raised brow.

I scoffed "Geez, thanks Lou. Your're not supposed to remind me of my lack of friends, and clearly Zayn prefers me to you. Obviously." I replied with soome sassiness to my voice.

"Okay fair enough, what's this new girl like anyways?" He asked as he began cleaning up the mess he made in the kitchen.

"Rude and judgemental........ but she is also insanely beautiful"I groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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