Chapter 2

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"Hi, my names Gracie it's nice to meet you" I politely introduced myself whilst putting out my hand for her to shake.

No reply.

Still no reply.


No never mind she's just looking-

Hold on, no she's glaring at my outheld hand is this girl serious. I'm not very friendly to many people so she should frieken grateful. I slowly retracted my hand and looked back up to my face and carried on smirking at my bloody nose. So shes rude and judgemental. Gosh! I'm so glad I out of all people have the pleasure to spend the wholde day with her tommorow. Maybe I should just go and find Vanessa and ask her to punch me again until I black out so I wont have to come in tommorow, I'm sure she'd enjoy that.

" Well anyways...I'm gonna just go home now and I'll see you tomorrow when you're a bit more talkitive" I said nonchalantly.

She glared at me. Oh so she does know how to do something other than smirk and judge.

"Okay, well thank you Gracie for doing this both myself and Oivia are very grateful for your kindness, I'm sure you two will get along just dandy after tommorow" He said with a hopeful smile.

"We'll see, don't get your hopes up" I chuckled at his optimism.

"Haha, well of you go now, go home and get your nose cleaned up and we'll see you tomorrow" He replied with a smile.

"Goodbyee" I dragged out.

I took one last look at Olivia before I left the room, and surprise surprise! Once again she was smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the car park.

I jumped into my car and turned the radio on loudly as I pulled out of my parking space, wanting nothing more than to just escape from the outside world. During the twenty minute drive home I sang along with a range of different songs that came on the radio and was impressed with myself for knowing all the words.

Once I arrived, I went straight to my en-suite and ran a bath. I filled the bathtub to the brim with hot bubbly water, and then got undressed and put my hair up in a messy bun. I sat in the comforting water for almost an hour just enjoying the peacful and relaxing atmosphere. I finally got out when I heard the front door slam. It must be Louis. I'm glad he decide to come back today rather than tomorrow, I hate being in the house alone, its just too quite.

I got out of the bath and chucked on my nike sports legins and a matching top with my nike white Theas, and then I jogged down the stairs to find Louis.

"Louisssssssssss"I called, as if I was playing hide and seek.

"Gracieeeeeeeee"He relied. He actually sounds like he's in a happy mood, now theres something you don't see everyday.

"Where you at brother?" I asked wondering where he might be.

"Kitchen" Well what did I expect, he spends most of his life in there or more specifically the fridge.

I trudged my way into the kitchen jumping up on the counter, facing his back as he searched for food in the fridge. After what seemed like an eternity he finally shut the door with a variety of different snacks in his arms and began turning to face me.

As soon as he was face to face with me his smile instantly dropped and all of his snacks fell to the ground, and a deep frown replaced his oce cheerful features.

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