Chapter 4

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Jade's POV

Due to the fact that I am the laziest person on the planet, it was completely out of the question for me to change my outfit for the after party. Craig however, has had a complete costume change, and is now wearing blue shirt and denim jeans.

'Ooh Craig, looking fancy for anyone in particular? I don't know maybe, Kendall?'

'Jade, I swear if you don't stop I'll punch you. Don't think I won't do it.'

'Well, technically, I'm not an adult yet so when you think about it, that would be child abuse? So HA!'

Well I completely owned him there! Looking at the clock, I noticed that we were yet again late for something, except this time is wasn't my fault.

'Tick tock Craigy boy, there's no party without the two party animals. Just picture those poor celebrities, awkwardly shuffling on the dance floor with no real guidance'

I blabbed on about how him taking forever to get ready was punishment for everyone, and I eventually annoyed him enough to leave the dressing room and get in the limo (yes, a limo, I know, talk about Hollywood).

The limo ride consisted of us gossiping about all the people who we hoped would be at the party. I quickly scanned twitter to see of Austin had posted a picture we took together. Did I mention we took a picture together? Well, we took a picture together. Talk about living a fangirl's dream! Sad news, he hasn't tweeted it yet. My heart deflated, I really want to see this picture!

Pulling up to the venue of the after party was a quiet affair, no complaints. After posing for a few paparazzi pictures, Craig and I were free to go in and enjoy the party. It was a much needed chance to relax for the both of us.

'Right, I'm off to find some of the lads, you're boring. Call me if you need me' Craig shouted over the pounding music. What 'lads' was he was looking to find? I mean, we have hardly any friends over here!

I glanced around the club, taking in my surroundings. It wasn't done up too much for the party, the walls were a simple black colour, like in any club I've been to. The dance floor area was huge, definatly plan on hitting that up! The most eye catching thing to me however, was a massive buffet table at the back wall. It seemed to have everything imaginable on it.

Deciding that food was the best bet for me, I started my trek over to the table. I began to check out all the mouthwatering food. I spotted some garlic bread that looked amazing. As I was leaning over to get a slice, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

'Hey Jade, enjoying the party?'

Instantly recognising that beautiful, deep voice, I spun around to face Austin Mahone. I was staring into his big brown eyes as my brain tried to process an answer to his question.

'Emmm yeah garlic bread'

What even. WHAT EVEN? Of all the things to possibly say to the boy of my dreams and I choose to say garlic bread? I don't even like it that much!

'Oh, yeah. The garlic bread looks great right? In your opinion is it better than me?' He winked. In that moment, I am ninety nine percent sure I died. There is no way that a human being could be that perfect.

'So, uh, can I, uh, get you a drink?' He asked, his awkwardness beginning to show after he heard me mumble 'not a chance' It was too cute, he was too cute. Too perfect to be talking to me!

'Sure, okay!' Was my simple reply. I seem to be a brain dead idiot when I'm around him! Usually I'm slightly witty or sarcastic, but of course when it comes to the boy I like, I'm as boring as cardboard.

After getting me a drink, Austin lead me over to a spare table that he spotted. The two of us walking together didn't go unnoticed though, with me receiving a wink or two off Kylie, who was a few tables away.

We talked for what seemed like hours. The first few generic questions like; 'what's your favourite colour?' And 'what's your favourite tv show' were quite awkward, but once the initial small talk was over, the conversation just flowed. I found myself laughing at some of the jokes he made, and it made my heart stop when I saw him look at me with what seemed like a genuine smile on his face.

Before we knew it, people began to empty out of the club, indicating the end of the party. I wasn't too please at the fact that I had to leave him, and to my delight, he didn't look to happy either.

'Well Jade, it was a great night. Thanks for hanging out'

'Yeah, it was great, we should meet up again sometime'

'We'll see' he winked. Those winks get me every time! Whether he intended them to be friendly or flirty however, I had no clue. The way he said 'hanging out' seemed to hint at us being friends.

I pulled out my phone to call Craig, but after the fourth call he didn't answer. It's weird for him not to answer, but when you look at the time, he could easily have gone home earlier.

Just as I was stepping into the taxi home, I heard yelling coming from the entrance of the club. And of course, who was in the centre of the yelling? None other that Craig. Suprise suprise.


Authors note

Well after an extremely long absence I have written another chapter:) it's not great, the story isn't great, but it's just a hobby:) hope you like it:)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2013 ⏰

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