Chapter 1

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There are two types of people in the world. There are those who lead with their brains, and those who lead with their hearts. Everyone has the potential to be either or; and for the longest time I was the one who made every decision logically. Then I met that person who changed everything. A man who had me making decision, dumb decisions, based off of my heart. And when he broke my heart, it devastated me. It was that type of hurt that made me vow to never love anyone again. And while I wish the story of me and him ended there it didn't. This is not to cause pain, this is a lesson. Everything in life is a lesson. However, I am not the only one who stands to learn from this lesson....

Tuesdays were usually busy for me. As a freelance photographer I usually spent Tuesdays in meetings trying to book jobs and network. It was something that any photographer did if they wanted to make money. However after just coming back from a job in Egypt I decided that it was time for a vacation. Not that I didn't love traveling and taking pictures of what I saw and writing about the food, culture and politics of other countries. It was just sometimes I craved the calm simple life. I decided it was about time I spent time in the condo I bought over a year ago, and my first order of business had been to go grocery shopping. Which was how I found myself walking the aisles in Kroger.

I had just began to make my way to the checkout area when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I stopped and my body froze. I considered just walking away as if I had not heard him call out to me when he called my name again. I plastered a smile on my face and turned around.

Quentin stopped in front of me and studied me for a moment. A lot had changed since we had last seen each other. For one I had lost around ninety pounds and had worked a little harder on growing my hair out. Recently I had it straightened and my hair now stopped at the small of my back.

"It's been a while...I heard you moved out to LA." He started.

I nodded, "Yeah I did. I moved back a year ago."

There was a long awkward silence. "You look really good....the last time I saw you..."

"Well I started working out, and I travel a lot so I'm always on the go."

I really didn't want to get into the last time we had been face to face, and I'm sure he didn't want to either. Especially since it ended with me throwing a speaker at him. It was not a proud moment in my life, but considering the circumstances I also did not feel too bad that I had managed to hit his shoulder; I had been aiming at his head.

"I heard you are doing really well, I've read some of your articles they are really good." He said slowly shocking me.

I smiled, and this time it was not a fake smile it was genuine. "Thank you. I should be going though, it was good to see you."

He looked shocked by that and I added, "It's been three years, I forgive you for everything that happened. And I'm sorry for..."

"Nah don't worry about it I deserved it." At least we both agreed on something.

I smiled and turned to leave when he said, "We should get together sometime."

I looked back at him and said, "Maybe, my number hasn't changed."

As I checked out I felt like kicking myself. I don't know what possessed me to say that. I might have forgiven him, but that didn't mean that I needed to renew any sort of friendship with him. Especially because I knew who he was still in a relationship with and my life was too good at this point for me to add unnecessary drama in my life. As I walked out to my car I hoped that he didn't remember my number and that this was the only time I bumped into him.

When I got home I immediately put away the groceries. When I finished I went into my bedroom and laid down on my bed. My phone vibrated in my pocket and without checking to see who it was I answered.


"You still coming to Tasha's cookout?" Tamara my best friend asked.

I thought about it for a moment and said, "Yeah I guess I can make an appearance. Is Mike coming with you?"

Tamara and Mike and been together for years before they finally tied the knot, and in my eyes they had the perfect relationship. The type of relationship that people wished for; where they were best friends and lovers. And although they did have their arguments, it was never anything serious enough to break their bond. They had both been there for me in my roughest moments and where Tamera was like a sister to me, her husband Mike was like an older brother.

"Yeah, Tasha's husband has a new truck and you know how men are about their cars..."

I laughed, "Yeah. You mind giving me a ride? My car is in the shop until Friday, there was something wrong with the engine."

"Uh oh." Tamera said.

"It's cool, you know I've been looking for an excuse to buy a new car." I said with a sigh.

"True, but okay hurry up and get ready we will probably be there to pick you up in an hour."

I sat up in my bed and looked at the time. That meant I had an hour to decide what I wanted to wear and get ready. "Okay boo, just call me when you're outside."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I stood up and walked into my closet deciding on starting the hardest part first, what to wear.  

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