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Lauren's POV:
Normani entered the room around 8:40 that night, she looked defeated and I can tell it wasnt just her tiredness from dancing for hours. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked with concern on my face and in my voice. "Nothing" she said in a voice that sounded as if she had been crying a few minutes ago, she flopped on her bed. The only light that was in the room was the light coming from the tv so she could have indeed been crying and I just didn't know. I got up and walked over to get a closer look. "Listen Mani, you can talk to me about anything. I just want to be here for you." She looked up at me & fell into my arms, even though she was crying I enjoyed this I was glad that I could be there to comfort her. "It's just I feel so lonely now, he acts as if he doesn't even care about me anymore." 'Masi' I thought to myself. "I'm sure things will get better Mani" I said trying to make her feel better even though I truly didn't want things to get better between them two. I wanted her with me. We sat down on her bed and talked for hours as she layed across my lap I alternated between caressing her hair & running my hand down the smooth skin of her arm. She stopped talking and looked at me as if she was at home. "Laur-" her words were interrupted by our lips crashing into eachothers. I knew her lips would be soft but I had no idea they were this soft, I melted into them.
Normani's POV:
The kiss lasted for about 7 seconds before I came back into my senses. 'You are not gay Normani, you dont want to be with Lauren. You cannot be with Lauren' I thought to myself as I ripped my lips away from hers. When spending time with Lauren I constantly had to say these things to myself over and over because she often made me question them. 'Did I want to be with Lauren? Why am I still laying here?' Because I wanted more. Looking in to her eyes I could see disappointment, she wanted it to last longer. So did I. So why did I pull away? Oh right, you have a boyfriend mani. "Lo I know things are bad between me and Masi. But I can't do this to him. I'm sorry. & plus we couldn't work because you know..."  She knew want I meant, I'm straight. "Mani, do you think I'm attractive?" 'Lordttttt of course I did, she was one of the most attractive people that I had ever seen' "What? Why?" I said while sitting up off of her lap. "Answer the question!" She snapped. "I think youre very beautiful Lauren" I said while looking in to those green eyes of hers. "Do you like spending time with me? Do you think about me when I'm gone? Do you like the way I treat you?" 'Yes, yes, yes' "Yes" I answered, only letting one of those yes's escape from my head. "Do you get butterflies in your stomach when you're around me?" 'Oh yes!' "Yes" I answered. Do you still feel all of these things about him? 'Do I?... I dont' "No" I said giving her the satisfaction. "Well why won't you be with me? Normani you make my heart skip several beats every time you are in my presence. I've never felt this way before & I know I can give you the attention you deserve and treat you far better than he ever will. I want you in my life, more than just my roommate. I want to hold you like this all of the time & not because you're sad but because we're in love. I want to hold your hand while walking around campus. I want to watch movies and go on dates & mani I want more of those lips." She said as she ran her thumb across my top lip on to my bottom. These words made me calm, her raspy voice soothed me and made me feel at home. I couldn't deny it any more. As this woman poured out her heart to me I understood why my stomach would feel this way when she did the slightest things. I understood why I didn't move when she practically violated me grabbing two handfuls of ass. I understood why I enjoyed her flirting and chivalry so much. I understood who I wanted to be with, her.
    We layed down not speaking nor playing attention to the television. We just layed in eachothers presence. Even though I now realized that she was the one for me, after she finished venting I didn't open my mouth to talk. I just grabbed her arm and pulled her to lay down next to me, to hold me and to comfort me. I didn't care about Masi any more, I knew it was over and now I wanted it to be over so that I could focus my attention on Lo and give her all of the love her kind and loving heart deserved. I felt her hands rubbing my side and her warm breath on the back of my neck. 'How ironic' I thought. I caught feelings for my roommate. I closed my eyes.

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