I was Tagged

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I got tagged by @Mako-Does. He tagged me this morning. I have to do the 20 things you hate tag. Let's do this!

20 Things I Hate Tag!

1. Fascist people

2. Bacon haters

3. Eggs

4. Being spammed on social media

5. Sexist people

6. Pink (except for the breast cancer ribbon)

7. Bullies

8. Being alone

9. Being the center of attention

10. Mc Donalds

11. Purple

12. Wearing glasses (I have contacts cause glasses feel weird)

13. Being hungry when theres no food around

14. When my popcorn is burnt

15. Losing my phone

16. Losing a friend

17. Not being able to do what I want

18. When a teacher writes me up but I didn't do anything

19. Being judged

20. When my data on my phone doesn't work for like 3 days, then I realize it was on airplane mode the whole time

I hate a lot actually... Anyways thanks for reading!

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