1: In The Backgrounds...

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"I can't believe you can disrespect me like that! Is he more important than me?" he was yelling at me again, for something that really meant nothing at all.

"Are you serious Joe? Its a movie and you know I love me some Tyrese ... come on now! You're just mad because you wanted to raise up my skirt and play with me while we are sitting in the movies and I said stop it." There was an elderly couple sitting next to us in the theater, I was not going to do that in front of them.

"That's alright, I'll take care of you when I get home. Teach you not to disrespect me again! Ignoring me for a man you don't even know!" I still couldn't believe his dumb ass was angry over this.

It was going to happen again. Joe was mad, and I would be his prey of shouting, screaming, pushing, and degrading. After awhile, it would be over.

"God, how much longer do I have to put up with this? What did I do to deserve this? The hurt, the pain, the selfishness, the cruelty from a man that is suppose to love me? If this is how he treats someone he loves I would hate to be someone he hates." I prayed to God silently as I wiped the tears from my eyes. My head hurts from the pressure and pain of his aggressive force. My heart hurts from its breaking ache. I don't fight back, I can't fight back. I just take it, hopefully one day it will get better.

I've been sitting here on the floor for hours rocking back and forward to ease my nerves and soothe the pain. With each tear I grow stronger and wiser...I won't be with him for long. I've been saying that for a while, it makes it that much closer to truth.

I can hear his steps coming closer to our bedroom. He's been down in the living room watching tv, he's coming back to make it up to me. The door opens slowly as he walks in. Joseph Thompson, the man I love, the man who loves me. I knew what was going to happen next because it always happens. I will be seduced by his incredible dick game to forgive him yet again. He walks over to me and stands there in white tee and black basketball shorts, exposing his hard biceps, "Come here babe, stand up for me."

I obey his order, it's routine. The look in his eyes are sincere, "Yes baby. I'm fine." he stretched his arms to hug me. As I was wrapped in his embrace every worry and doubt left my mind. This is the man I married, the man I love, the man who holds my heart in his hands. "I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to get so angry, please forgive me sweetie" he whispered in my ear.

"Its okay baby, I know you didn't mean it." Despite all his anger, no matter how many times he has pushed me into the wall or on the bed, no matter how many times he has held me down, threatened me, or put holes in the wall..he is a good man and he always will be to me.

He lifts my chin so that I am facing him fully. His lips comes closer to mines as he kisses me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him in closer. His hands roamed over me as he unbuttoned my pants and lifted my shirt over my head.

I can feel his hands move to my round ass, then to my plump breasts as both of his hands cup each one. He gently rubs each nipple, making my center warm with his touch. I untie and pull down his basketball shorts, exposing his already hard dick. I want him, I need him now. He breaks the kiss, turning me around as he bends me over. His thrust inside my tight walls makes me grasp, but every movement pushes me into ecstasy. We reach our peak together. I want to forget, I need to forget, I have to forget this fight...how long will I continue to play the fool?


"Joe I want to have a wedding with my family there! It's not right or fair for them not to share that time with me..."

"You marrying me right? I'm the only other person that needs to be there. you love right? then lets just do it."

Not this dream again. Those were the words that made me elope, marry a man my family didn't know much about... that I didn't know much about. How could I have been so damn stupid? My family is still bitter towards me regarding him. My best friends Liyah and Monica were just as shocked. He wasn't a wise choice at all. They say I was stronger before I met him, he broke me.

Mom always told me to take caution when it came to love. I was suppose to make sure he could take care of me, has a relationship with God, cares for me, accepts me as I am, and who loves me unconditionally. I thought that's what I had in Joe, I lied to myself. What started as a fairy tale turned to a lie quickly. My prince turned into a damn frog two weeks after marrying him. We had just moved into our new apartment together and I said something he didn't like about the shirt he was wearing. The was the day I knew I would always cry with him ... the day he put the holes in the wall.

His alarm goes off at 7:30 am every morning. I wake at 7:00 am to watch him, to think of ways to hurt him or make him pay for breaking down my spirit, my soul. Last night is a vague memory, I always forget every word and action on purpose to block more tears.

He finally wakes, "What you looking at?"

"Nothing at all Joe, just getting out I bed. I have to be at work early so I'm going to take a quick shower."

"Well I have to shower first, you can wait a little bit right?" I didn't even get to answer before be was running to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. That asshole. He unlocks the door to stick his head out, "Ay since you up, how about you make me some breakfast?" Again no answer was given before he shut the door again. Selfish.

It will be another fight this morning if I don't do what I'm asked. Breakfast and his lunch is made within twenty minutes. I'm finally able to shower, doesn't matter how long it took .. I'm just ready to get to work where I am free to be me. At work I'm just Breann Thompson, the hard working, dedicated, and focused worker. At work I'm a leader and I take great pride in that because I know I actually did something right.

When I exit the shower he's already gone, without a kiss, hug or thank you given. Unappreciative. I dress quickly to head out the door by 8am to beat the rush hour and make it to work on time. During the drive I remember that I'm training a new employee today, God let them be a quick learner!

I enter my office with fifteen minutes to spare. Giving me time to set up my desk, computer programs, and get my coffee just the way I wanted. I would play my slow jams in the background today, it helps me stay focused. I've have lots of patients to take care of today as well.

Within twenty minutes I'm already deep into my piles of work. With Kendrick Lamar's Poetic Justice playing in the background, I didn't even notice my supervisor Ms. Jackie walked over to my desk with a gentleman by her side.

I quickly turn down the music to face them, "Sorry about that Ms. Jackie, good morning." Ms. Jackie was a good woman, short in stature, but a stern face and good heart.

"That's quite alright Breann. I hope you are doing good this morning and we didn't interrupt you. Are you really busy?"

"Oh no ma'am I'm not to busy at all. Let me just clear some space. Is this my new trainee?"

"Yes, of course this is Brian Carr. Brian this Breann Thompson and she will be teaching you the ropes around here for the week."

I extended my right hand to him, "Hi Brian, nice to meet you. Make yourself at home."

"Good morning Breann, the pleasure's all mine. Thanks for your help in advance." I smiled as he spoke, his voice sounding like velvet to my ears. To say that Brian was fine would be an understatement, he was sexy and sophisticated. From his smile, to the way his broad shoulders shaped his blue button down, to his muscular arms, his tall stature, to beautiful light brown eyes, to his strong hands.

The man was almost breathtaking. Instantly I was turned on by him, but I really shouldn't be. Brian Carr, the man who may change my life.


End of Chapter 1...what so you guys think so far? Sorry if its short, just wanted to get something out.

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