Part 5

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-They entered Cray-

Greg: Whoa!

<In front of Greg there's Lozenge Magus standing>

Greg: Who?

Amaterasu: That's you. Your vanguard.

Greg: Wha!? What happen to you!?

<Amaterasu looks like a hero in tight suit (Ultraman) >

Amaterasu: I'm Enigman Flow! ULTRAMAN!!!!!

Luquier: You look ridiculous....

Amaterasu: You don't know how famous ultraman is on Earth. Anyway.

Remember this! Every start of your turn, you stand all your unit and

Draw a card. You have two ability. Ride and call. Ride is where you can

Change your form. But can only be used once per turn unless there's a

Special skill which would allow you to do so. Call is where you call

Rear guards! But you can only call to the same grade to your vanguard.

Greg: This number on the top left of the cards?

Amaterasu: Yes. Now my turn first! Ride! Enigman Ripple!

<Amaterasu changes form>

Greg: that's so cool!

Amaterasu: Too early to get impress! Skill activate! When Enigman Ripple

Rides Enigman flow, i can search the deck for enigman wave and add it

To my hand!

Luquier: That's a chain ride. Where an effect will activate when the second

Evolution of the card rides it. Be careful with her final evolution Greg!

Greg: Oh!

Amaterasu: * shows enigman wave* here it is.

Greg: Grade 2....

Amaterasu: Then i call enigman ripple to my rear guard. Or, RG! Then i

Activate his skill. I discard one grade 3 * discard one grade 3* to the

Drop zone and search for enigman storm... Their final evolution!

Greg: What!?

Amaterasu: *shows enigman storm* First turn can't attack so i end turn

Greg: Okay. My turn. First draw and....

Luquier: You can only ride the same grade or 1 grade higher than your

Vanguard. Go and ride a grade 1.

Greg: I choose you! *rides Oracle Guardian, Gemini* It got no skills but

It's attack is the highest

Miulle: It's called a vanila. A vanilla card is a card with no skill. Go on and

Attack. If you want to attack, simply turns your card side way showing

That you wish to attack with that card. That action also called rest. Once

A unit is rest, it cannot attack anymore. Also, if your vanguard attacks, it

Has the ability of trigger check. Its something like drawing the top card

And show it to the opponent if you have a trigger. At the end of a trigger

Check, put it back in your hand. A grade 0 to 2 only trigger checks once

Cardfight!! Vanguard Alternate-hanWhere stories live. Discover now