A new life

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This is what I imagine ares would look like, only with gold eyes and a leap are pattern on his skin.

His first memory was of being shown disgust and being called different. They considered him to be a failure because of how  physically animalistic he was  in comparison to others of his kind. It was because of his appearance that he was used for the more damaging and dangerous experiments preformed by the mercile company. 

Because he was a failure he was expendable. It didn't matter if an experiment killed him. His memories of his childhood were filled with pain torture and abuse  no one cared I'd he lived or died and the scientist seemed to even enjoy causing him pain

He was whipped so much that his spine was visible just so that they could test their healing drugs, he was hardly ever given food or water, he was used as entertainment for the guards and forced to fight others of his kind who were larger and stronger and that inevitably beat him so badly that he couldn't even drag himself back to his cell.

Even after the fights when he was in a bloodied state after being forced to fight in the arena, the guards and the scientist gave him no reprieve from the torturous experiments that they conducted daily.

His skin was riddled with scars, some were scratch and bite marks from his fights in the arena, and others were the remnants of incisions made by the mercile employees when they were examining his differences from normal humans.

Often they left him with his own nears still visible through the inscisions, not caring if the enjuries they dealt would lead to his death or not. 

Over the course of his life at mercile 706 had never felt a touch not intended to harm him. Never experienced tenderness or care. 

This went on for years. He was always hoping and praying for a chance to escape the clutches of mercile and finally one day he was given a chance.

He was chained, barely able to move. All he could feel was pain, it filled his mind and blocked out everything else, leaving him wanting nothing more than to slip into the blessed relief that unconsciousness would give him. His injuries still dripped with the Crimson, his life force slowly draining from a large cut made on his abdomen and numerous stripes left from a whip on his back.

Suddenly he heard footsteps, 706 struggled to lift his head, he was weak, weak from pain and exhaustion. He hated feeling helpless, being helpless meant that he would be unable to defend himself if his captors forced him into the arena. The fact that he was rarely given water and practically never given food only contributed to his weak state. 

As he listened for any sign of an approach, he could feel his life starting to slip away with the blood puddled beneath his form. The edges of his vision began to go gray and he knew that death had him in its grasp. As he lay there waiting for his life to be extinguished the sound of footsteps rang out in the silence of the facility.

As he struggled to lift his head far enough to see, 706 heard the door to his cell open. Three guards were escorting a familiar scientist who was Rolling a cart before him. 706 knew from experience that he cart held many different things that the scientists used to cause him pain. The scientists rolled the metal cart over to where 706 was chained. After he stopped he reached into the cart and held up a syringe with a large needle that was filled with a clear liquid that had a slightly blueish tint. He snarled viciously at the approaching figures.

"Now now 706" said the scientist in a sarcastic tone while smirking in a way that told 706 that he was anticipating causing the figure in front of him unspeakable pain, " I'm just trying to help". 

Ares( new species fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now