Houdini the escape artist

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Genevieve sighed in an exasperated manner as she trudged through the trees towards her home with a bundle of red fur nestled in her arms. 

"Houdini!" She exclaimed, mock glaring at the fox kit in her arms, " this is the tenth time you have run away. The tenth time in less than a week!" The kit rested his paws on her chest, looking at her with innocent eyes.

" no! That won't work Houdini," she said, "I can't be spending all of my time hunting you down when you decide to go on an adventure and get lost" 

The little ball of fur looked up at her with sad green eyes and she could feel her anger melting away.

" I'm just worried that one of these times I won't be able to find you" she sighed. She finally made it to her front door and opened it to see a female fox waiting for her.

"Here you go Russet," she said as she set the fox cub near his mother, "I finally found him, it's a good thing too with your broken leg and all. I really should have known better than to name your kit Houdini, he really seems to be making an effort to live up to his namesake".

Genevieve looked out the window and saw that the sun was sinking lower in the sky. She began to check on the rest of her animal companions before she began to prepare to settle in for the night.

She went out to make sure that all of the birds in the habitat she had built were safe from predators and then went to check on her feathered companionsand to pay a visit to the bobcat she was nursing back to health after it had lost an eye.

She had grown quite fond of Bob, as she insisted on calling the medium sized  feline, and felt that he was also quite fond of her grudging by the way he greeted her almost like a house cat, rubbing against her legs and butting her with his head.

Genevieve had been fond of animals since she escaped her parents clutches. They were more trustworthy than humans and loved unconditionally. She knew that once a bond was formed with an animal of any kind, she could trust them in the way that she should have been able to trust her fellow humans.

The only contact that Genevieve was able to tolerate was the touch or her beloved animal companions as she knew that they would never hurt or betray her for no reason at all. 

 She walked deeper into the woods towards the boundary that marked the start of new species land, she had been warned by them when she bought the land bordering their property that she should stay on her side of the fence for her own safety.

She lived very far away from civilization because of her inability to be near other people. The trauma of her childhood ensured that she could never tolerate the companionship of another human being. 

She had found that she was unable to live in a town with other people because of the panick attacks she would have whenever someone went too close to her. Eventually she had moved to try to have a semblance or normalcy in her life. For several years she had lived on a houseboat. It worked out fine until she decided that she wanted to move back on land and start a refuge for wildlife. 

She stayed on her boat while searching for some land that was in a forest that was far enough away from any towns or cities for her to be comfortable. She was delighted when she found a plot of land for sale that bordered the remote area called the Wild Zone that belonged to the new species. She bought it using money left to her by her rich grandfather and moved in as soon as possible.

Genevieve pulled herself from her musings and finally noticed how close to the fence her absentminded news had brought her. She turned back to go home to sleep, not noticing that her scent still lingered strongly in the area, practically yelling out to any new species within smelling distance.

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