When things go awry

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Ares hadn't meant to scare her as much as he did, he only wanted to get closer to her scent. The smell of her made it easy for him to forget that she was a human. He crouched down in front of the tiny female crumpled on the floor in front of him. 

 He slipped his arms beneath her and lifted her limp form into his arms. He pulled her close to his chest, a pur rumbling and vibrating within it. Unconsciously she leaned towards the soothing sound and nestled into his warmth.

He shifted his hold on her to gather her closer to him and buried his nose in her mane of ebony curls. He nuzzled into the silky strands as he drew in her scent and his purr began to vibrate even more violently.

Ares was captivated by the spicy hint of cinnamon that suffused her form. He had planned only to watch the female in his arms and to observe her personality as well as be able to take in more of her entrancing scent. But since she had seen him, and with her curled into him, seeming to be seeking his protection, he determined that he would take what was his.

He gathered the warm feather light form of the little female more securely to him and jumped back through the window through which he had entered. 

He reached the edge of the clearing in which her house was nestled and began to run smoothly through the trees back towards the fence which marked the edge of his territory.

When he reached the large metal structure he had to stop to think about how he would get his fragile burden over the barrier without her being harmed. Eventually he gently moved her and positioned her so that her weight rested over one of his broad shoulders.

When he had her securely situated in such a way that she would be safe and he able to use his arms he hagan ascending the links that made up the edge of the wild zone.

Once he reached the top of the fence, instead of leaping from the top like he did on his way to find the owner of the scent, he instead carefully climbed down, careful not to jostle his precious burden.

When he reached the bottom on his side of the fence he carefully dismounted and shifted the female so that she was once again snuggled to his chest.

After she was once again situated he continued running towards his den. After several minutes of running, he was finally at the entrance to his den. He entered and bore the fragile female towards his sleeping area where he set her down on his bedding.

He gazed at her for a moment, his eyes tracing her delicate features, her blatantly human feature. He grew angry as he looked at her, her clearly human facial features, her defined,not flat nose and lack of any hint of animalistic traits reminding him that she was a human, that she was the enemy no matter how enticing her scent was.

He snarled at the reminder of his captivity that lay vulnerable in front of him. His mind flashed to all that was done to him at the hands of humans and finally, when his intense gaze returned to the human in front of him, he decided that it was his turn to have another in his power, he would show the human what others of her kind had done to him. He would use her to gain revenge for all that he suffered.

Snarling, he left her where she lay after checking that she had not returned to awareness to find something so that he could restrain the human female. 

He found some thin ropes in the shed outside of his den and on his way back to his room he grabbed some rags so that the ropes wouldn't cut her skin.

He returned to the female, and attempting to ignore her incredible scent, wrapped the cloth around her wrists and ankles before tying the ropes over the cloth and fastening the ends the the headboard and footboard so that she was pulled into a spread eagle position. 

He pulled on the ropes, making sure that they were secure enough that there was no way that the female would be able to free herself. He found that she was securely tied, so he left the room to prepare dinner for himself, waiting for her to awaken.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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