Chp 2

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Chp. 2 (Still in Logan POV)
It is only the second day of school and I am only getting up and going to school, so I can, so I can play basketball when season starts. I know you're thinking why do you have to get up and go to school right now to play basketball, because my mom has no problem telling us we cannot play any of our sports if we were not keeping up with our graders and or our attendance is not up to par before, during and after season. Rule number one in the house is you are a student first and an athlete second. As soon as I am getting up out of my bed, I heard yelling coming from my parents' room which is odd because I hardly ever hear them argue when all the of us are in the house. Hopefully it don't wake up the twins but mainly Ro because she is very emotional, and I don't want her to go to school upset because that will cause a world of trouble I don't want or need. Walking out the room and heading to their room door as I got closer to their door, the yelling became clearer and louder on what they were fighting about. I heard my mom throw something as always, form what I could hear it sound like a vase and or a lamp.
V-"Who is she because I don't wear this kind of perfume and I don't wear this shade of red lip stick. SHIT IDON'T WEAR RED LIPSTICK ANYWAY. So, I ask again who the hell is she?"
C-"Honey I swear to you it's no one I promise you"
At that very moment, I wanted to slap him because he was the one that taught me the game on women. To tell them any and everything they wanted to hear just to get in there pants or to get your way with them. So, if my dad is cheating I am going to be on my mom side because she is a very devoted wife and mother to us.
V-"Do I look stupid? Do I look like I have dumb ass written on my damn forehead? So, I ask again who in the hell is she? And chose your words wisely, because where I am standing the next thing I throw it will be at that giant head of yours and I am not going to miss "
C-"Tiffany my secretary and Angela my co counselor. An I think Angela might be pregnant."
At that very moment I just wanted to hold my mom, so she could not beat the crap out of my dad. SMACK!! Is all I heard. I chuckled lightly because my mom might be small, but she packs a mean punch that will mess you up if you mess her over.
At the moment of her saying that Ro walked her room looking confused as ever and I wish I could send her elsewhere before she heard the rest, but it was too late. Because she heard very clearly what was happening between my parents. She just stood there and listened to what was happening as tears streamed down her face.
C-"No honey I was weak, and I don't know why I did it but I will fix it I swear. Are you going to leave me? What do you want me to do? What do I have to do? Please honey I will do anything?
V-"Anything ok. You will not touch me, you will not sleep in this room with me, we have 3 guest rooms pick one and have fun. And oh yea you will be telling the kids how you can't control what is in your pants. And if this chick is pregnant we will just have to see how you behave with us being apart at this moment to see if I leave your ass. But we will be getting legally separation. Because I had my career way before you did and I will be just fine without you so a divorce will hurt you way more than me. In addition, I want to be there when you end this little affair of yours with these women."
C-"Anything else"
V-"Did they know you were married?"
C-"Yes but I said we were apart"
At this very moment my dad might be lucky if he walk out that room alive. I have learned never to piss the women off in this house because they are crazy, its worse when you stab them in the back. They short but they are scary when they are mad. Especially Ro I think it's worse since she is the only girl and we bully her sometimes. But I know how far to go with that crazy child. All I heard was smacking and things breaking because I knew it was real. But I had to go in and stop them before they woke the twin. After those word left my father's mouth Ro ran out the house I would send Ashely after her in 20 mins.
C-"Son what are you doing in here? How much of that did you hear?"
L-"All and right now don't even fix your lips to call me that right now. Because your daughter heard everything, so you have more pressing matter to worry about"
V-"Baby I know this going to be hard for you..."
L-"Naw mom don't cover for him. You go get a shower and cleaned I will wake and tell the twins."
After handling that I woke the twins up and told them and they were heated and wanted to be with our mom. I did not let them because she needed alone times. But I also had to remind that this is hurting Ro the most and that we had to be stronger for her.
Ro is straight daddy's girl so to hear this it's going to kill her. An not to mention she is the only girl so it's going to hurt most. Because she wants someone like our father to be her husband and to know the man you look to the most comfort you and protect you from scum bags is/ was one his self is hurting her the most. Ro is the only one who does not have a clue of our father pass. She holds our father on this pedestal that he can never do anything wrong.
After the twins and I were ready for school, so we decided on eating a bowl of cereal. They had to leave to catch the bus for school. That's one thing my parents instilled into us that just because we got it does not mean we will abuse it.
After getting the twins out of the house on time. I seen Ro pulling up and I knew it was about to be hell in this house for the next 45mins. The min she walked in here I knew she walked in, that is this was going to be a hard one  with her because she is as stubborn as they come.
"Baby girl come with me to my room, so we can talk about all this."
"I am not in the mood really to talk I need to get ready for school"
"give me ten min to talk to you and let you vent so you do not go to school hurting people feeling and snapping bitches' necks" I know if I get her to laugh she will be a lot easier to deal with and calmer. She let out a small chuckle, so I know she is in lot better sprits than 45min ago.
"How could he do this to mom? She is everything men dream off even woman. Like does he know how many men and woman try and fuck mom on a daily?
"Listen baby girl I know this hard for you because you didn't think dad would be like those men you watch on reality TV shows and all that other garbage you watch. But I need you to be strong for me. I know that is going to happen now but in the due of time I need you too"
"But Lo how could he? He was someone that also was stuck to his word and he even made sure that you guys were like that.
I know baby girl and sometimes people make mistakes and sometimes they don't how good they got it until it being taking"
I let out a sigh because I want to tell her how big of a hoe are father is but I am not going to add on to the amount of trouble he is in with her.
So right now, dad is learning that so maybe in due time he will learn how too
I will but at the moment I do not want to see his face because I might say somethings that would get me in some trouble or something I can't take back.
That is understandable because I am feeling the same way right now.
Lo promise me if you do go out with Ash that you will not hurt her how daddy did mommy?
Ro I promise that is sort of why I just been flirting with her instead of trying to go with her at the moment. Wait, how did you know I was feeling here any ways?
I see everything little do you know. I noticed when we were in the parking lot at school how you made her get in the front and put your bestfriend in the back seat. Which you never do you even put me in the back over him. And how you got mad that KR from the football team was flirting with her. An when....
Alright Alright I get it you see everything. But sense we on my case are you going to tell my boy how you feel about him?
Not happening that is setting my self-up for rejection for one and two he has girls on him left and right he is good where he is at. And he is a junior and I am sophomore and he will be leaving real soon for school anyway so why set myself for that no thank you. I will just watch from a far like I been doing sense I was 13.
Girl you trip. My boy feeling you, you just go to get to know him and stop being scary and come out your shell.
Hush up, I like my shell it keeps my feelings from getting hurt and it also saves me from falling and getting hurt. Are you feeling ok you're actually allowing me to date someone?
Yes, it's my boy so I am cool with it as long as he doesn't hurt you. Not to mention I actually trust him not like them other little niggas that are always in your face and in you DM's
Alright cool. Get out so I can get ready.
I kissed her forehead before she left out my room. As I am getting up to close the door I see Ash is leaving out the bathroom wrapped in her towel, but I could tell she had on her under clothes. She had ass for days and she had the perfect size chest them curves was doing something to a nigga and not mention she let her hair get wet so that means her dreads where hanging down her back. Just knowing that's all mine felt good eventually I am going to get right before that nigga KR did. An my boy better get right before Tj take the rug right form under him with Ro.
As I am getting ready I hear giggling which means Ash has been cheering Ro up some after the bad news. Sai came and checked on your boy after everything died down he hear everything but he tries to stay out the way unless he feels like he really needs to get in the way. I didn't want Ro driving so I drove all of us to school.
The min this big dummy saw Ro come out the room he could not stop staring at her. She had on these gray bicycle shorts and this fitted pink shirt and then pink fur slide things. I am glad she keep them creatures she call toes done they were yellow. Her hair in those two-bun looking thing, with her stud earing and a silver necklace I got her, with the matching bracelet her Ash have. I didn't like the tights, but I let her slide today only because of what happened this morning with our parents.
Ash had the almost same thing just in black my favorite color. She had on lose shirt that said "That's the Tea" with some black shorts like Ro. But instead of wearing slides she had in low top vans. Topping her outfit off with just some studs and the matching bracelet that Ro had on.

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