TereziPyrope41369 suggested that I do an art contest book so here it is!!! :D I also kind of wanted to make one :p
Things you need to know!!!:
●I will give different amounts of time for each contest and will post up when the contest is due on the chapter.
●I will post up each participant's art unless there are too many
●If I post up the art, the grading will be decided on my opinion but if I can't decide between 2 (or 3), then the amount of votes will help me decide.
●The prizes will be different for each contest.
●There will be some contests that are strictly digital art and some that are strictly traditional.
●I will vote for your picture that you are entering in your book to let you know that I have recieved it.Rules:
·Play nice. Don't bully anyone or put anyone down based on their art. Just don't be a bully period.
·Turn your art in on time. I will allow you more time if you get injured or something.
· Post your art in a book of yours and tag me (read "things to know" to know how to tell if I recieved it)
·Follow the theme. If you have a question, then ask.
·Nothing NSFW please
·Have fun!!! :3I took the cover picture. Wow that sounds like I stole it. Uh.... The cover picture is a picture I took? It's mine is all you need to know :/