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"mama" I cry out running after a black haired lady. Her frame slender and her strides long. Where is she going? I can't keep up with her. Her red dress blows steadily in the wind. Soon all i can see is her suitcase gripped tightly in her hands. I try to chase after her, but I'm too slow. Always too slow. She leaves behind a ring, her wedding ring. A gold ring with engraved words too small for me to read. The diamonds stuffed nicely in their place making it a beautiful ring. I jolt myself awake. 

Why do I always have these dreams? She's not gone. I shift to the colder side of my bed, near the open window. Sleep doesn't come easy to me. It never has and it never will. I look at the shaking of my small hands. It was just a dream. Slowly I reach down grasping my precious cellular device in my hand. 

There's this boy. There's always going to be a boy. I've never met this boy, but he is my best friend. I love him, but I know we will never end up together. The time is roughly 3 am. 

"you awake?" my nimble fingers click sending him a text. He's always awake at this hour. I'm lucky he too, has a hard time sleeping. 

not long after, I'm greeted with a low buzz. 

"yeah" it reads. Every time I read his words; his voice echos in my mind. A kind friendly voice in a soft major key. 

"I had the dream again" I text back. I've told him this dream before and it keeps coming back to me. 

"how are you feeling?'

"not good at all. I feel like I'm going to cry and pass out. My hands are shaking really badly, HELP!"

"hold on give me a minute" A few seconds later he calls me. 

"hi" i whisper sheepishly. 

"hey. I went outside just so I could call you" There's the sound of crickets chirping in the background. It goes nicely with this voice, a little bit high pitched then normal. 

"thank you" 

"Lily is everything okay?" 

"I don't know" 

"what do you mean I don't know?" 

"I've been having the same old dream for ages now, but it's not getting any better. I don't know why I have it because my mom's still here. I just don't get it" 

"maybe you're afraid of losing her" 

"that can't be possible. Fear doesn't exist anymore. What's there to fear?" 

"I don't know. It was just a though" 

"thanks for trying, Damien" 

"sorry, I'm usually better at cheering you up" 

"I know you are" 

"is anything else going on?" 

"my older sister is getting her marriage seal"

"that's so cool. I mean they get married and the dumb necklaces they have are adjusted so they can talk to each other inside their head" 

"these necklaces aren't dumb" I reply defensively, my hand tightening around the silver pendent around my neck. I stifle back a sob. I believed in these necklaces a lot. 

Everyone has one from the day they're born. However, they don't receive these necklaces until they're 10. These necklaces for now don't do anything, but once someone turns 20 they'll go out and find their true love. Once they sound their true love they're able to see if they match by putting their necklaces over each other. If it glows then it's a match, if not then better luck next time. The necklace ends up breaking once they other person dies. It's quite sad to know that you won't wake up one day next to your sweetheart. 

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