A few more years

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Time goes by fast, especially during summer. I kind of just sat around all day and did nothing. There was light conversation with Kass and Shay and sometimes even Damien, but that's about it. My sister's wedding happened last week on August 2nd. She and Jayce met 2 years ago. They're a bunch of adorable muffins. I know they'll end up having a nice family together. 

The society put up a three child limit to help control with over population. I'm not sure what happens to people that exceed the limit, but it can't be good. I'm the only one left at home now. I miss Tiana already. The night they got married they went on their honeymoon. Once they get back, they're automatically assigned jobs and move into housing. I hope they get assigned somewhere close by. 

Jayce is a nice guys a bit on the tall side. He has black slick hair and crystal clear blue eyes. They are too cute together. I can't wait until I find the perfect one. 

School starts up next week and I am too excited. I could still change my mind and not go into marine biology, but that would be a waste. Time goes by too quickly: I hate it. Summer is almost over and soon it's going to be cold. I love the heat though. The society has been doing a good job on trying to fix global warming and they still struggle but it's a whole lot better now. 

They also aren't very many hospitals around anymore. No one gets sick, but they need hospitals in case people get hurt. The injury rate has gone down to a .01%. It's nice to still have hospitals around. Damien works at a hospital. He didn't strike me as a person that would. He became an engineer which is pretty neato. Got to remind myself never play Jenga with him. 

Shay of course studied music audio. As for Kass, she went into cosmetics. They're both doing good. I hope I do as good as they are. 

A year or so go by fast. I'm already done with my first year of studying fish and stuff. They're so  many cool stuff that haven't been discovered yet. Before I know it I'll be finished with school. 

Damien has been on and off lately. Something feels different about him. He's not his peppy self. I think it's just the weather. Maybe living in New York is getting to him. He always complains how loud it is. I think he'll be fine. 

I hate how fast time moves. I close my eyes one second and when I open them I'm getting my diploma. My family came an hour early to get front row seats. Mom and dad have their cameras out snapping 3D pictures and videos, while Tiana and Jayce are congratulating me by shoving flowers into my arms. Tiana and Jayce seem a bit distant. She asked if the society made a mistake right before her wedding day. I told her the society doesn't make mistakes anymore. It can't afford to make mistakes. 

I invited Damien to my graduation, but I doubt he'd come. He's the only other person I'd want there. It's so ironic that the day of my graduation is also the day of my birth. I'm finally 20 now. Tiana doesn't seem very happy. 

"You're growing up" she smiles slightly. We're having a family meal just like old times. "Ha[[y birthday" everyone says as they cut into my red velvet cake. I didn't get anything this year. Once you turn 20 there is no need to buy gifts. Flowers are the most people will receive. Only on very special occasions do you see so many flowers. 

We all enjoy my cake in silence while my mom places the mixed bouquet in a patterned vase. 

"Tiana how are things with you and Jayce?" I ask nonchalantly.

"we're still getting the hang of it" Tiana reply's with a subtle laugh. Jayce smiles and grabs her hand.  

"that's good. We were thinking of taking a vacation" 

"would your job assignments let you? I mean you have the business and he has his hands tied in those new blue prints" 

"someone has to build those building you know, but luckily I just design them" Jayce says laughing at his own joke. 

"I think we can work something out." Tiana says ending the conversation. I nod finishing up my cake. The rest of the night was quiet and dull. By morning Tiana will be gone again and I'll be all alone. The society is perfect and everything is perfect. Being alone isn't that bad. Tomorrow I'll be off to go find my soulmate. 

I haven't talked to Damien in a while now. Probably a couple months have passed since the last time we talked. I should call him. 

"Hello?" he says quietly. 

"Damien, hi. Why are you whispering?" 

"sorry, I'm tired. Today's your birthday right?" 

"mmhmm I'm 20 now" 

"congratulations Lilly pad" 


"is something wrong?"

"why would you ask?" 

"you just seem out of it"

"well you do too. You haven't called me in a while" 

"I'm sorry. I got busy. All those animals are so cool" 

"did you get your job assignment yet?" 

"I did. It's in the U.S in Maryland" My soulmate should be close to there. The society made it easier like that. Giving you your job assignment close to your life partner. 

"that's pretty close to here, I mean still a state or a couple away" 

"can I come visit you?" 

"I don't know if they'll let you" 

"I'm sure they will. I promise I will" 

"you don't have to" 

"I want to" 

"okay. So are you going to go look for your soulmate? The only true love that you'll spend the rest of your days with?" 

"I'm so ready. What about you and your soulmate?" 

Silence fills the room for several minutes before I hear his voice again. 

"I don't have one" 

"what do you mean? everyone has one" 

"I just don't. The society is unfair" 

"the society is perfect" 

"that's what they want you to believe. Some people don't get the fairness of it" 

"I'm sorry" 

"don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. Maybe I don't want to get bonded" 


"Lilly please don't come visit me. I might not be there" 

"I'll just wait for you" 

"you're so naive Lilly" 

"everyone wants a soulmate Damien. Why don't you go look for yours?" 

"I don't want to be like everyone else." 

"but Damien-" he hung up before I could say anything else. I call back but he just let it rang over and over again. The ringing kept on going, but this time inside my head. 

The society doesn't make mistakes. Is Damien a mistake? Everyone has a soulmate, everyone needs a soulmate. Damien doesn't know what he's talking about. The society always give people a second chance. They give people better lives. Nothing has gone wrong since the beginning. It shouldn't be going wrong now. The society can't make mistakes. They can't afford to go back to the way it was. The way before the society fixed everything. They never make mistakes. 

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