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     The room was dark, the curtains so thick they hid the afternoon sun expertly. Dahlia spread her arms out, her eyes closed, and yawned with her fingers searching. When she found nothing but soft mattress and pillows her eyes opened to squint around with worry. Mercury had been present the night before, but now she was nowhere to be seen. The realization of being left alone to fend for herself made Dahlia's insides squirm. But then the signature sound of the toilet flushing echoed and Dahlia dropped her head back in relief. She wasn't alone. Mercury wasn't gone.

     Dahlia scoot up slightly when Mercury came padding into the room, and she smiled lightly when Mercury dropped back into bed as though she had never gotten out of it. Her smile only widened when Mercury's strong arms grabbed onto her body and pulled the way they had the night before. Even if it wasn't done out of an emotional connection, it was still thrilling. Dahlia loved it.

     "What time is it?" Mercury murmured. She draped herself further over Dahlia for that much needed firmness. "I have work today."

     Dahlia reached over to check the phone, struggling because she was constrained. "Not even noon." She delighted in the knowing grunt that was breathed into her neck and wrapped her arms around Mercury. "You're going to stay here, right?"

     "Until I need to leave."

     That should have been obvious, Dahlia told herself, almost rolling her eyes. But she was still happy. Waking up to someone she cared for, in her own bed, in her own home- it was the dream. Of course, it was more of a nightmare because it was all fake and Mercury couldn't reciprocate, but when Dahlia tried hard enough she could forget all that. As unhealthy as it was it was the only coping mechanism that she had. So she squeezed Mercury all the harder and let her fantasy play on without attempting to stop it. She kissed Mercury's cheek, draped a leg over Mercury's midsection, and pretended the groan it elicited was a moan.

     "Do you maybe want to do something today?" she asked, her fantasy still going strong.

     "Do what?"

     "Go out before we have to work."


     "I want to be with you."

     "You're with me now."

     Dahlia pushed away from Mercury slightly, forcing them to be face to face, eye to eye. "I know but... It's..." She bit her lip. Her fantasy was crumbling around her already, just like that. "Do you remember what you told me last night?"

     "Which time?"

     "Right before we went to bed. You said that you owed me, that maybe we could work something out. Well... spend time with me today, outside."

     In silence, Mercury studied Dahlia's face as she thought. She did remember having said that, and she was a woman of her word, if nothing else. But she also remembered everything else that was said last night. "Going out with you will make you have me?"

     Dahlia's cheeks turned pink. "I mean... it's a start..."

     Mercury disentangled herself and sat up. "Okay. When are we leaving?"

     "Oh, um, as soon as we get ready, I guess."

     Nodding, Mercury slipped out of bed and stood. She looked around with that familiar bored expression of hers, then laid eyes on Dahlia, who was getting out of bed herself. "I have no clothes here. Nor anything else I need to be ready for society."

     "You can wear whatever I have. What else do you need? Toothbrush? Hairbrush? Lotions? I have all that, too."


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