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   Boden and Lilith Weaver were an immensely impressive couple, in more ways than one. They possessed money, power, influence, charisma, and they used all of it efficiently and smartly. There was only one mistake they had ever made in life in the middle of all their success- Mercury. They didn't regret her, per se, but if they had waited a few more years they would have conceived a natural child and that would have been that. But what was done was done, and they had cared for Mercury as if she were normal. They didn't love their son, Kuiper, anymore than Mercury, but they appreciated that only he could love them back. No matter how much they fawned over their daughter she would never love them. She was incapable of it. It was an intense pain to them both but they never spoke of it. Instead, they went to great lengths to assure that Mercury did no harm, did good, even, as if keeping the world safe from her would make up for the mistake of her unnatural birth. It helped them sleep at night. Though sometimes that sleep was interrupted when they thought too long on what Mercury was doing out on her own, in her little apartment, working her menial job, outside of their direct influence. So, they held a get together a few times a month to get an update, and to make sure nothing destructive was blossoming where it shouldn't. It was another activity that eased their anxiety on the thing they had created.

     When Mercury arrived for their scheduled family dinner, they hugged her, not caring that she embraced them back mechanically, practiced. They kissed her smooth cheeks lovingly then led her inside to reunite with Kuiper. He hopped up in an instant to greet his older sister, his love for her apparent in his eyes. He knew, too, that she wouldn't ever love him back, but that didn't matter to him. Mercury was family. Mercury was everything to him. Mercury was his great and tragic unrequited love.

     "It's nice to see you again," he said cheerily, taking her to the dining room, his small stature seeming enormous because of his personality. "A lot's happened since last time. You missed my school play, but I know you're busy. Mom and dad recorded it. Do you want a copy?"

     Mercury was seated now, staring at little Kuiper ramble on and on in an excited high-pitched tone. To her, he had no real purpose other than making their parents happy. Perhaps one day, when he was older, he would be useful, have meaning. For now, she indulged him, as she was taught. "No," she said in response to his earlier question.

     Kuiper wasn't disturbed. In fact, he was thrilled that he heard her voice, which he frequently thought was gorgeous. It was music to him. "It's okay. You don't have a DVD player, anyway, right? You can watch it here."

     Mercury turned her face forward and waited for dinner to be served. It would be something normal, cooked, as always. Ham, perhaps, or beef. It was possible venison was on the menu. Whatever it was, it was certain that raw would have suited Mercury much better, but she wouldn't complain about receiving a full stomach for free.

     "Are you going to stay after dinner?" asked Kuiper hopefully.

     Before Mercury could answer, Lilith spoke up. "Why don't we ask how Mercury is doing, hm?"

     Kuiper crossed his ankles, the tips of his shoes grazing the floor, and gazed up at Mercury with expectant eyes. He enjoyed hearing of her life in her apartment near the city. It all was an adventure of great proportions. "What have you been doing?"

     Mercury placed her forearms on the table. Dinner was being served and a plate was dropped right between her hands. "Working, mostly."

     "Anything new?"

     "I went to a new business to get a meal."

     Everyone was fully aware of the way Mercury chose to fetch her dirty meals. "Why?" asked Boden. "Is there something wrong with the bar?"

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