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||Byun Baekhyun||

2:00 am
June 23, 2014

You said you'd never leave me,
You promised me.

You said you'd stay with me past infinities, you lied to me.

You said you'd tell me a thousand times you love me, but you've only said it 786 times and now you're saying goodbye. Cant you at least complete that promise of a thousand I Love You's? Now I lost someone I loved, love still, but i think someone needed you more than I needed you.

Keep your promises for a short time only please, because the longer it gets, the more hurtful it is.

Time is ridiculously annoying. First they give you chances, but the they give you limits.

Time possesses numbers, but in numbers there are millions of infinities. Time shows us there is an end,

5:24 pm

January 16

But yet the numbers in time shows us itself there is an infinity,


I will love you until the end of the numbers though,
But you loved me until 7,765,236 seconds.

I still wont get tired of telling you I love you.
But you left me after those words came out of your mouth 786 times.

Time gives us limit, yet numbers are limitless.

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