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||Park Chanyeol||

1:00 am
June 18, 2014

I said I'd never leave you,
I promised you.

I said I'd stay with you past infinities, I lied to you.

I said I'd tell you a thousand times I love you, but I've only said it 786 times and now Im  saying goodbye. Im sorry I cant complete that promise of a thousand I Love You's. I loved you too, to death. Now I left someone I love, but I think He needs me more now.

I shouldve kept my promises, but I couldn't, so I'd rather not make another and say that I'd come back and keep you waiting.

Because false promises gives false hopes.

Time is incredibly amazing and something yhat you should make the most of. First they give you limits, but then they give you chances.

Number possesses time, but in time there are limited short amount of infinities.

You'll love me until the end of the numbers.
I would too, but I can only show until 7,765,236 seconds.

You wont get tired of telling you You love me.
I wouldn't too, though I Love You's only came out of my mouth 786 times.

Number gives us limit, yet time is limitless.



Is it great so far? Hahahaha I honestly do not know here this is going so lets wish for the best lol.

Notice the difference in Baek's and in Park's. They thought differently about time and numbers.

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