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||Park Chanyeol

3:04 am
August 12, 2014

This will be my last entry on my diary because most probably I would be incapable of using my hands tomorrow.

Funny how just a few months ago I was enjoying myself singing songs Ive composed, and now tomorrow I couldn't even write.

Don't think you still have a lot of time because you never know when that time lasts until the next day only.

1 month left

One last month and I'll be gone.

One last of being Park Chanyeol.

Leukemia stage 3

Since this is my last entry, this as well will be my last letter to Byun Baekhyun.


Hey Baek!

Remember how we met? It was because of Hyun right? Well, can you take care of him? Im leaving for a long time and I wouldn't want him to follow me, so can he stay there just with you instead? Thanks Baek.

Remember when I confessed to you under the stars? We stayed in each others arms for hours. You made me the happiest person that night Baek, you did, you are, and you will.

Im sorry I had to leave you, I needed to get therapy abroad so I can stay wit you longer. But I guess luck isn't on our side and miracles just don't happen everywhere hmm? I have cancer Baek, and Im sorry I couldn't tell you, Im a coward. I was scarred of losing you and I didn't want you to look at me every time and think if Im okay. I just want you to look at me like you always did, like nothing changed. Because as much as possible I want to prevent any change from happening. I want to stay just the way we are right now.

Promise me Byun Baekhyun, promise me you'll keep that smile on your face even when Im gone.

Promise me you'd be screaming long live on the magic we made.

And promise me this, promise me you'll keep this promise Byun Baekhyun, promise me you'll keep painting, even if you run out of colors, paint our walls with invisible colorless paint, even if you ru out of space, paint on new walls about our story.

I cant sing, I cant write, but you can still paint.

So show the world the story of us, and when they point to the pictures, tell them my name, tell them our story.

I love you Byun Baekhyun, I love you so much that taking one step away from you is getting harder to do.

I love you, and it'll stay like that past infinities, past forevers, and past all inevitable things.

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