Chapter 4

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Eric's POV

"Come on then, tell me who it is."

Alan had a faint 'hm?' noise, looking up at me from the essay he was writing, "What's who?" He asked, looking confused with wide eyes.

I grinned, leaning on the back of his chair, "Don't act like you don't know, Alan, you've been sat there looking lonely as hell for the past hour," I leaned closer to him lowering my voice slightly, "I talk to him for you, if you want."

Alan shoved me playfully, rolling his eyes, but totally helpless to the blush that was darkening over his cheeks, "You're being ridiculous."

"How am I?" I asked innocently. I grinned "If anything, you're the ridiculous one here."

Alan snapped his head back to look at me, "How old are you, Eric?"

I sat on the bed behind him, laughing, "Do you know how painfully obvious it is that you wish you could be out doing couple-y things with whoever it is?"

Alan didn't reply.

"Okay," I said, grinning and sitting on the bed, "Do I know him?"

Alan gave a weak smile, nodding.

So, we were doing it this way.

"Okay..." I mused, thinking, "....Is he tall?"

Alan scoffed, "Eric, everybody's taller than me." He smiled again, watching me suppress laughter, "But yes, by most standards, he is tall."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair- that didn't exactly narrow it down, "Is he attractive by physical standards?"

Alan laughed, sighing, "Eric, if I say yes- which, by the way, I am- that wouldn't mean anything to you."

I shrugged, "I wouldn't mind dating a guy," I admitted nonchalantly, "I don't know until I've tried, that's just the kind of person I am."

He rolled his eyes again, joking, "Honestly."

"Anyway," I said, continuing the guessing game he'd started, "Is he a nice guy?"

"Incredibly nice guy," He replied genuinely, his eyes lighting up as he smiled, "He's probably the nicest guy I've ever met, in all honesty."

"Okay, is he even-" I got distracted suddenly, something much more important catching my eye, "That bruise on your arm is huge, Alan."

I was being totally honest- it was about two inches big, and was hovering somewhere between blue and grey.

He glanced his upper forearm, looking surprised, "I only did that yesterday-"

I interrupted him, getting a closer look at his arm, "What the hell did you do to it?" I asked, worried. Alan had always been a little delicate, but this was a whole new level, "Did you throw yourself off the roof or something?"

He laughed weakly, "No, I just hit it on the counter."

"How does a counter give that huge of a bruise?" I said, frowning. I prodded it slightly, "Does that hurt?" I asked.

He flinched slightly, "Yes, it hurts, Eric, it's a bruise."

"How the hell did you hit it on the counter, anyway?" I asked, still very concerned. Alan was never that clumsy, and was pretty good at catching himself when he was falling.

"I..." He began, and sighed, "I was really dizzy, tripped, and hit the counter." He almost sounded annoyed himself.

I felt my heart speed up at insane levels, "Are you sure you're not...?"

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