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wind brushed through the trees near a lake, as animals refreshed themselves. Just beyond almost on the other side of the lake a young man travels by carriage making his way to a kingdom by the name of Kagrax.

Certainly eager for his arrival the young man sat in the carriage on the far right gazing out his window while he lightly tapped onto the windows bottom repeatedly.

Dressed in his standard attire, his hair swayed in the wind as it blew through. He watched the wind influence the trees to rock in different directions.

They rode along a road that led to Kagrax. He sighed looking forward relieved that he now had a clear view of the kingdom from where they rode.

His eyes sparkled seeing the Kingdom, dripped in so many colors. He sat up trying to see more of this mysterious land he arrived to.

"Hurry, we can't let them get near the kingdom" a figure whispered rustling throughout the forest as they followed the carriage. Elias heard the rustling and quickly averted his vision trying to figure out what was making those noises.

The men drew in slowly as they crept up to the bushes near the road, when they finally made it close enough to observe the carriage.

Their leader raised a hand ordering the others to stop themselves. So that their cover won't be blown.

"on my cue.. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," the figure whispered as his voice gradually grew the closer he got to one.

He and about eleven other people jumped out of the forest revealing themselves blocking the carriage from all sides.

The horses immediately jerked in place after being startled by the men.

"We've been trapped!" The woman driving the carriage shifted her body shouting hastily but when she turned expecting eye contact with her passenger. He was gone.

"Come out!! And give us all possessions on this carriage and on the people who're inside!" An adult male commanded.

He wore rugged clothing which was that of a cheap peasant as did his comrades.

"What's this?" Elias questioned standing in front of the group as they gathered in front of the carriage. The male who spoke turned confused as to where Elias appeared from.

The women who drove the carriage noticed Elias as the passenger that rode with her, she stared shocked trying to understand how'd he get out without her knowing.

"Who're you exactly?" The male questioned Elias in return. He gazed at Elias examining his appearance.

His dark coat lightly sat over the white shirt he wore; His pants was well fitted yet baggy for extreme movements he wore boots that were tied tightly over his long pants.

"I'm the person who's carriage ride you've interrupted" Elias answered putting his hands into his coat pockets taking a step further, he smirked excitingly feeling the midst of a battle.

"Captain Yusuke!" one of the males comrades shouted as they struggled to try and keep the women still, they forced themselves onto the carriage rummaging throughout Elias's belongings. Yusuke turned after hearing the commotion.

"Keep her still while the others gather all goods" Yusuke commanded taking his attention away from Elias as he gave his orders.

"You shouldn't have done that," Elias said smirking while he tossed his wand out of his pockets casting an Anomus.

"Cerulis!" He shouted, the air in their area accumulated around Elias he effortlessly raised his hand commanding the air to attack Yusuke. Fiercely on it's pursuit to the enemy trees blew wildly affected by the high use of Anomus.

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