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It is Friday and i haven't done anything other than going to school at 9 and come back from school at 3. I haven't said a word to my  ''parents''  since Wednesdays incident. 5 Days till i get moved to and orphanage, i'm more disappointed than happy, i am am kinda happy to get away from the twits that are my so called  ''parents''  but more upset to say the least.

I awoke to the lovely sound of my b****y   ''mum''  screaming at me to get up. I rolled of my bed and onto the floor with a bang. Slowly, i got up of the floor and shuffled towards my wardrobe to find an outfit for the day, 2 minutes later i picked out a good outfit which consists of black leggings and a long white jumper with words '' THIS GIRL DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN''   In bold black on the front. After i got washed and changed, I picked up the only shoes i have ( white converse), put them on, grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs. I couldn't be bothered to put up with my  ''parents''  crap so i skipped breakfast and went straight out of the door. I got this feeling and thought that i didn't really want to go to school so for the first time ever, i skipped school  ( ooohhhh, being a rebel lol  ). I strolled down to the nearest park and sat on one of the benches, the park looked almost, if not, completely empty, I guess everyone is at school or work. Reaching into the pocket of my ripped jeans, i pulled out my phone and went on social medias to see what people are posting, after a while of scrolling through instagram, i received a text from Jay;


Jay; heyy. How come you're not at school??

Mr; don't feel like putting up with everybody's crap today

Jay; okay, where are you so we can talk

Me;  the park nearest my house

Jay; k, I'll be there in a few

me; see yah


After a few minutes of waiting, i heard someone call my name from behind me. I turn around to see Jay walking towards the bench i am currently sitting on

'' Hi'' I say

''  Hi, are you okay??''  Jay asks

''  Fine, just dogging school today'' i say

'' So i see. Do you know how long it is till you go away?'' Jay asks changing the subject

'' Yup, five days '' I say with a sigh  but then something comes to my mind '' Jay, i want a tattoo'' I say out of the blue ( OMG THAT RHYMED, I'M A POET AND I DIDN'T KNOW IT LOLOLO)

'' Why, and you're too young'' Jay says

'' I know but i jut do'' I say

'' Well, if you really do want one then one of my friends could do it for you, he is tattooist'' Jay offered

'' Great, can we go now'' I asked

'' Sure. Right before we go, let me get this straight. You're a 13 year old girl and you want a tattoo?''  Jay says, more or less explaining it to himself 

'' Yes now come on'' I say getting impatient

'' Fine now come on, its about a 15 minutes  walk from here '' Jay says walking in front of me


Me and Jay arrive at a tattoo shop that has images all over the front window. We walk into the shop and Jay and the guy that is Jays friend start talking while i look round at different tattoos that i could get.  After a while i picked out a tattoo that looked really cool and the guy, which i figured out his name is Seth, started the tattoo procedure. After 40 minutes to am hour  later, my tattoo was done, Seth carefully put a bandage round it. I cant  even imagine the look on my   ''parents''  face when they see this but i love it and might consider getting another one. I am now a 13 year old girl with 6 ear piercings and 1 tattoo ( at the moment) wow.......I think moving away to an orphanage might change me because even the thought is making me wanna change 



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