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Today is the day........the day i get away from hell and go into an even bigger hell. My   ''mum''  said she would drop me of at orphanage at  1 in the afternoon which is in about half an hour so in that time, i'm gonna go to Jay's and say bye

I put on my shoes and left the house. Around 2 minutes later i arrived at Jay's house. He came out and walked with me back to my house so we could say our good-byes there. Once we reached my house, i went up to my room, grabbed my very small suite-case and put it my   ''mums''  car. I forgot i was wearing a short top so my arms where on display and also my scars and my new tattoo was.

''WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR ARM!!''  my   ''mum''  screamed looking at my arm

''What, the scars. You already knew they where there because you made fun of me for them'' I said

'' No, not them. The tattoo!!''  She said

''  Oh that, lets just say it was a good-bye gift''  I said putting it in the simplest way possible

'' Whatever, thank God these are your last minutes here so make the most of them'' My   ''mum''  said getting in the car and going on her phone

''I'm gonna miss you so much''   I said jumping into Jay's arms. I love him but in a big brother way

'' I'm gonna miss you too. Make sure you make a ''Good Impression''  at the orphanage'' Jay said with a smirk. only me and him really knew what that meant

''Trust me, i will'' I said with a slight laugh  '' Alright, bye. I will text you when i settle in''

''Okay then, Bye'' Jay said

I stepped into the car and sat in the passenger seat. The car started move so i brought out my phone, plugged my ear-phones in and played my music ( i really wanna say she was listening to 5SOS but i cant because she doesn't know how they are )

Half and hour i have been sitting in this car until it finally came to a stop. My  ''mum''  walked out the car and grabbed my case, i also stepped out the car

''Bye''  my  ''mum''  said. I turned around to walk into the but she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug which took me by surprise but all i did was hug back. She let me go

''Bye honey'' 

And those where the last words i will ever hear from her.  I sighed and dragged me and my case all the way up to the door. I knocked on the door and it almost instantly opened

''Hello dear, you must be Julia Marie Robertson''  A lady said

'' Yes but not the Robertson thank-you'' I said

''of course. I am Miss. Porter. Pleas come in out of the cold'' She said taking my case and pulling me inside

'' I am not in charge here but i am around to help.  Thin of me as a friend'' She said sweetly, I already like her

'' Who is in charge then '' I said, Miss. Porter was about to reply but she was cut off by a raspy, strict voice

''Me Mrs. Taylor and trust me, i don't like trouble makers or miss-behaved children'' She said

'' Well me and you are not going to get on very well''  I said smartly

'' I already hate you''  Mrs. Taylor snarled

''Why don't we show you to your room''  Miss. Porter said tying to brake the unwanted and awkward silence.

''sure, anything to get away from that old hag ''  I said with a groan. Mrs. Taylor growled but said nothing

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