chapter 7

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 sorry for the wait, I'm not 100% happy with this chapter, but here it is anyway,  I just couldn't seem to get it right I hope you like it..


Chapter 7

Ah a new day, what joy time for me to be stuck in class, bored with no one to entertain me but my self. looking around the class, it looks like I'm not the only one bored. the teacher has such a dull tone of voice it reminds me of a robot, I wonder if she actually might be a robot, I mean it would explain a lot of things about her and the way she teaches and walks and well everything about her, AHHH SHE MUST BE A ROBOT I HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE THE ROBOTS ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL TO DEATH WITH BOREDOM OH NO BUT I'M TO YOUNG AHHH.

Anyway, As you can probably tell JJ and Gray are not in this class so I don't have much of a choice in dying of boredom, I wonder if if people would miss me, I mean why wouldn't they miss me I'm awesome and well sexy of course.

"Right class the bell is about to go, so I'll be nice for today and let you go now" OH MY GOD I love this teacher "HELL YES" I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the door, towards JJ class and waited outside. So I wonder if JJ would like to come out the school properly today and do it Lex style, I hope so. All of a sudden I'm floating no wait flying yippee, "No your not flying it's me" I looked up at JJ, of course me and my space outs.

"So JJ" I got down from his arms and looked at him, I hope this goes according to plan, "do you want to come out to the school Lex style" he looked down at me with a mischievous look, and nodded. yay I can't wait, we will tease the hell out of Gray.

JJ grabbed my hand and we walked to the cafeteria, right time to set my plan into motion we walked through the doors still holding hands and collected something to share to eat, still holding hands and sat down on the table in front of Grayson's so we could see him and he could see us.

I turned to look at JJ and he was already looking at me smiling as well "So what is your plan then Lex" the thing he doesn't know is I have come to school this morning prepared in the hopes he says yes to telling everyone, but me I can't do anything quietly I have to make this so amazingly rainbow yay smiles all round. I whispered the plan to JJ and he couldn't help but laugh " That sounds awesome, only you would do something loud and proud like this" I nodded with a big goofy smile.

We both stood up on the table and shouted for everyone to shut up and listen, "So I have something I would like to tell everyone" JJ announced proudly and fearlessly. I looked over to guy who was stood in the corner and he pulled the rope which was dangling next to him, Rainbow balloons and confetti started to rain from the ceiling, I turned to JJ and we kissed deeply and god did I love every minute, as we pulled apart we saw everyone looking at us shocked, we sat back down and started to eat our lunch as if nothing just happened.

Me and JJ finished a lovely quiet lunch after that kissing and eating, no one bothered us and from the looks of Gray happy for JJ but I can still see a bit of sadness in his eyes like he is longing to be here next to us. Once we had finished we stood up and walk out proudly and happy together. JJ looks so much happier and relived to not hide which is a good sign.

"yo faggots" we stopped in our tracks, knowing they the guy was calling us, we turned to look at him and I could help but laugh "your Grayson's idiot friend" oops please say I didn't just say that out loud, crap I think I did why? brain why?.

"What did you just call me and how dare you use Grayson's name you fairy" monkey ball wraps I did say it out loud. "What do you want Grayson's idiot friend, I'm busy walking with my boyfriend" I smiled up at JJ.

"my name is not Grayson's idiot friend it's Ian, and I want you and your faggot boyfriend to disappear and leave us straight people alone." Ian a.k.a Gray's idiot friend looked at us in disgusted. I couldn't help but laugh I mean how stupid is this guy we can't disappear I mean we don't have invisibility powers.

"No" JJ said sounding angry oops idiot made him angry that Is not good. I felt the fist before I saw it, ow that really hurt, I landed on my yummy bum on the floor, "JJ I don't feel so good" I said in a baby like voice. that was some hell of a punch on my small face, I feel dizzy and sick and ow my face hurts like well like someone has punched me, which of course they did.

"I'll deal with these two on my own Ian you go back inside" Grayson said looking at us. I don't really remember much its a bit fuzzy I know I was floating somewhere, there's the sound of footsteps all around me "Don't worry Lex, it's just me and Gray, stay awake for me please" aww JJ sounds worried where is Grayson I can't see or hear him. I try to get up to look around for him but it hurts, god one punch and I'm out, what the hell is that idiot made of metal, that must be it..... OW thinking to much hurts. " I'm here cutie don't worried, I'm so sorry I did't know he was going to do that, I'm so sorry but I'm proud of you and JJ you two are so brave" Grayson sounds guilty, but its not his fault.

"Don't leave me JJ and Gray please stay with me" I whimpered like a crying baby. I felt big hands in my hand, and the arms that I were in tightened around me. "We wouldn't do that" Grayson said, I'm guessing he doesn't care what people will say.

"But what if someone sees us Grayson, I'm worried" no matter what is happening to me I don't want him to get into trouble with his parents, and if the school finds out they will.

"I know I said we had to stay a secret but I didn't think I could with you two, so I've have been planning this for a while but since I have you two, you gave me the push I need to follow through with my plans, I move into my new place today after school, I saved enough money up from my job to find my own place, I was going to surprise you two after school, so I don't care if people know, I have also filed for emancipation, they said I have a really good case and I shouldn't have any problems, so basically I'm disowning my parents, then I can find what happened to my brother" Grayson sounds happy that's good.

Wow how long has he had this planned, I'm guessing a long time, "I'm proud of you, where are we going" it felt like we were walking for forever.

"To the nurse office then to Grayson's new place"JJ said demandingly, OK then sounds good but I wish we could hurry up. I heard a door open and I was laid down onto a bed, I heard talking but couldn't listen properly dizziness setting in more. I could feel my self drifting away to dream land, I know I should stay awake but I am so sleepy. Last thing I heard was both JJ and Gray telling me to stay awake.

I wonder how Grayson's parents will react when they find out?

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