Chapter 3

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Hey everyone

So just a quick note, first I hope everyone enjoyed there Christmas and second sorry for the delayed update I'll try and update twice next week to make up for it.

I don't mean to upset anyone and I'm sorry if it does.

And sorry for the spelling and grammar.

Thanks for reading and enjoy


Chapter 3

Why does class have to be so boring I mean there has to be some kind of excitement I mean maybe a ninja jumps out of the closet or through the window and ambushes the teacher and I don't maybe a flying monkey distracts the class and are all of a sudden fun people not these boring good students that do there work ahh even JJ is sat nicely doing his work me I finished.

Now let me tell you watching the clock is so very annoying but has to be done when there's only two minutes til lunch the best time of day when I get to sit with my new yummy JJ and eat what I hope to be yummy yummy food. If you can't tell this is the lesson before lunch and thank god Grayson is not in this lesson with us I don't think I could handle that all he did was flirt with both me and JJ but the strange thing is both me and JJ didn't mind we really enjoyed the attention from that sex god its just I don't think we could handle any more  in this lesson as well.

"What are you doing Lex " JJ voice came from nowhere making me jump. OK I wouldn't say nowhere he is sat next to me in what lesson am I in, OK now I'm confused. I look over at him "what do you mean I'm looking at the clock" he starts laughing now I know I am a funny person, but I didn't make a joke this time. Once he had sobered up from laughing he looked at me with a straight face as if he never laughed , how did he do that? and did I mention how sexy his laugh was, wow I would do anything to hear that again. "Lex you were ticking in time with the clock and moving your head side to side" well duh how else am I going to be the clock, wait I should say that out loud maybe that would help I don't think he can read minds oops. "Well how else am I going to be the clock to make the clock go faster" OK so my logic is not the smartest but hay I'm lots of fun to be around.

He shakes his head at me and he continues on with his work, where as i have finished my work yep I'm that awesome. I look at the clock and start jumping in my seat yay almost time.... come on












Yay food time, I look at JJ and grab his hand and drag him out the the door of the classroom towards the cafeteria, omg why does walking take so long, maybe we should skip I wonder if JJ would skip with me maybe I should ask him or I could just start skipping and maybe he would join in, mind you he is the strong silent type so I don't think he would that's really sad I would love to skip with him that would be awesome.  "Earth to Lex, we're here, hello" I shake my head and look around and look at JJ and smile "umm sorry lost in thought" I look down blushing in embarrassment, he chuckles "aww you look cute" I look up shocked did JJ call me cute yayay maybe I do have a chance with him. Maybe just maybe me and JJ could confront Grayson about being gay, I'll eat first then talk to him yer that sounds like a plan.

"So food, yummy yummy food let's go gets some" I dragged JJ to the the line to get some food. Right now what to have that is the question, I could go with the healthy  and simply boring salad or I could go with the yummy pizza yer pizza it is that's a no brainier, JJ on the other hand went with the boring salad yuck.

Well now the question is where the hell do we sit, I just decided to follow JJ.  We St down together, I sat next to him so i could lean my head on his shoulder, "are you OK JJ" I was a bit worried about him he seemed off since we had the Mr sexys attention. I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. I felt him chuckle "your to cute" I smiled at that. I don't know what it is but I feel supper comfortable with him. "I'm fine Lex, just thinking about Grayson's behavior today I mean your first day and his behavior changes towards me and you I'm just worried for you, I mean I care about you, I know we just meet today its just I feel comfortable around you" aww that's the most he has said to me. I leapt onto his lap and hugged him "aww I care for you to and thank you"  smiled and felt him cuddle me back. We looked at each other and smiled right now food my belly has a grumble monster in it. I sat next to him and carried on with my food, in a comfortable silence with JJ.

"Hey there sexy, hey there cutie"  me and JJ looked up to see the hulk dun dun duu naa just joking it was Mr sexy Grayson. I looked at JJ and we both had a confused expression on our face. I moved closer to JJ and he placed his arm around my waist making me smile. "Hey there Mr sexy what do we owe the pleasure" I said smiling, but JJ arm tightened around my waist bring me closer if that is possible, I'm nearly sat on his lap not that I'm complaining, I actually love it to sexy guys around me.

"Just thought I would pop over and say hi to my two favourite people" he winked at us and smiled. "We should talked to him maybe he would tell us" JJ whispered into my ear , I nodded.

"Grayson can I ask you a serious question please" I pleaded giving him my famous puppy dog eyes they always work. He looked perplexed but nodded. "Umm well I got told you were homophobic, but umm well I just wanted to know are you gay" I was moving in my seat I was nervous. I could see the him nod, I'm guessing that is our answer. "So your gay" me and JJ said at the same time, he was smiling and about to answer, but one of his friends must of over heard "Grayson isn't gay, you faggots, are you going to take that man" this idiot looking guy said slapping Grayson's back.

I looked at JJ then Grayson, all I wanted to do is hug him he looks so scared. I looked at JJ and i know he was thinking the same as me. We both loomed at Grayson and when his so called friend wasn't looking we both mouthed to him "its OK do what has to be done" we smiled and linked hands waiting for the beating that we both know is to come.

" um of course not man I was just about to do something but your idiot self butted in, now to answer you two no I'm not gay like you to faggot self" he mumbled faggot not liking the word. "Now seeing as its your both first mishap I will let you off with a warning" he stiffened and I knew what was to come next. He strolled over to us, he stood in front of me first, he mouthed "I'm sorry" before punching me in the face knocking me into JJ who hugged me to him self, I know he didn't hit me as hard as he could have, I looked at JJ and we both smiled, he turned to Grayson and nodded in indication he was ready. Grayson pulled pulled his huge fist back and hit him in the face to but from the looks on JJ face he didn't put his whole weight behind the punch.

His so called friend walked away laughing, we both looked at Grayson, he had small tears falling from his eyes . We both stood up grabbing a huge hand of Grayson's and dragged him to the bathrooms.

Once inside, we made sure it was empty and locked the door. Me and JJ fixed our faces first, washing the little blood off and well apart from at you couldn't tell we were hit which is good mum and mummy would have gone nuts. I looked and JJ and he was the same. We turned to Grayson and seeing the tears fall faster down his face. We ran over me on one said and JJ on the other and we hugged his huge muscular frame.

We sat there for the rest of the schools day cuddled up to each other on floor of the boys bathroom, just talking.

I knows its only been one day but I think I'm falling for both Jamie and Grayson.

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