Chapter 8

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I can feel myself waking up,no i want to stay in dream land, it sucks i was dreaming of giraffes there suck weird funny animals i mean think about it there necks are ridiculously long, i  try to snuggle closer to the warmth hoping to stay in dream land just a bit longer come on giraffes were are you, wow i'm sooooo warm, i've never been this warm before..... ah i must be on fire,  yer that's it i must be on fire ahhhhhh, i sit up quickly and open my eyes, "wait were am i" i look around for something familiar, well i'm not on fire but i am confused.

I know i'm in a bedroom, seeing as i'm laid in the biggest bed i have ever laid in,  but i have never been here before, i feel something move on the bed, ahh rapist ah i have been kidnapped, i look behind me to see JJ and Gray asleep trying to cuddle with each other there is just one problem i'm sat in the middle of them but it is sooo damn cute. 

BATHROOM i need to find a bathroom now i need to pee like now, i jump out of bed and run around the apartment to find the bathroom. i found the kitchen, living room, big cupboard i wonder if that leads to a secret world, or is that only wardrobes,anyway that's not the point bathroom, so the last door in the hall must be " Yay i found the toilet" i jump in and slam the door. 

With my bladder empty i turn to wash my hands when i look up into the mirror " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" i can't help but scream at the top of my lungs what has that idiot done to my face, it's swollen and bruised and just ugly. I can hear foot steps banging down the hall  "Lex are you in there? are you ok?" Grayson says from the other side of the door trying to open it. I open the door and pout, how can i be ok my beautiful face is ruined, i'm no longer sexy OH NO if i'm not sexy i'll only have my brain to rely on and i'm not the smartest cookie in the pack. "LOOK at what your idiot friend did to my face i'm not sexy anymore, OH NO if i'm not sexy they you and JJ will leave me and ill be alone again and i'll end up being crazy cat man" i continue to pout. 

"wow " Grayson laughed and when into the kitchen to what i guess make coffee. "Lex sweetheart, you will always be sexy and cute to me and Gray, and from what Gray was ranting about yesterday Ian will not be his so called friend much longer, come on lets go get some dinner, you have only been asleep for a few hours" i nodded and we made our way into the kitchen. 

Grayson was sat at the table drinking coffee, like i thought he would. "Have you calmed down a bit now cutie" i nodded and made my over to snuggle up on his lap. i feel like a puppy sleeping on there masters lap, that's how tiny i feel. "so whats going to happen now" i said sitting up. hummm i need tea, i got up to go make some yummy scummy delicious heavenly cup of tea, forgetting i just asked a question. 

"school will be sorted out tomorrow, i have the best people working on me being free of my parents they said its an open and shut case they can try and get it done by the end of the week, i don't have to worry for money having parents that don't care and just hand you money instead comes in handy, umm i think that's all for now"  i smiled and continued to make my tea, sing a song as i go.

hum i wonder what is going to happen these next couple of days at school, i mean if Ian messes with me again he is going to be in trouble with Grayson, ummm tea i love tea. i sit down up to the table sipping my tea while in thought, how did i get so lucky to have these to. life is just awesome i mean other the Gray's parents and his so called best friend. i don't feel bubble like i normal do i feel sad and let me tell you me feeling sad is not normal. 

When my tea is finished i look up at Gray and JJ they are looking at me with concern i guess they can tell i'm not feeling right i mean my thoughts are normal which is scaring me a little they have always been odd and random. "my thoughts are normal" i whisper knowing they will hear me.they looked shocked "Its alright all you need is some rest and you will be back to your normal self" i smiled and nodding knowing JJ was right, i just needed rest.  

We sat down to eat not long after,we were in a comfortable silence it felt like we were a family i smiled feeling happy. "so whats going to happen tomorrow" i asked not really knowing where to go from here. "well we go to school like normal we only have a 3 more days til the weekend then come Monday i come out to the school, but before then i will protect you from Ian i will make sure he stays away." Gray's face looks like and angry puppy. i look at JJ and he looks happy with the idea. "And don't worry i will be with you all the time" i smile and nodded at the them both happy with that idea. 

so i wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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