Chapter 4

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sorry it took me so long to update, had a rough second pregnancy, but now i have two gorgeous boys  instead of one :)

Anyway enjoy 


Chapter 4

"Low get your small ass out of bed your friends Will be here soon and your still not even up" OMG OMG it cant be that day already, ow flying monkeys, i still a mess ahh my room is a mess they cant see me like this.... NOOO. 

I fly out of bed like the devil was going to eat me and skip to the bathroom. Wow that is not a pretty sight in the mornings i look... well a mess, that will not do, how am i meant to meet the sexy two-sum looking like this. SHOWER! that will make me sexy again. 

Standing in the shower i keep thinking about everything that has happened in the passed week since the boys bathroom breakdown. Well i TOTALLY think im in love with both of them, we have grown close but i don't think they like me the same way i like them i mean they always share these weird flirty looks *sad face*. 

BUT the best and greatest news ever.... are you ready to hear it i mean its awesome better then a marathon of Gilmore Girls... ok ok i'll tell you Grayson and JJ are staying the night at mine. Soooo that means i get to perv at them both all night YAY every gay teens dream but haha only i'm allowed so no getting ideas any of you. 

Jumping out of the shower, i almost cause myself to slip, almost wow that would not be good i mean then i would not get to see the sexy two-sum. I look into the mirror and i see the sexy me again YAY i back bitches.

Right first clothes then make sure room is up to scratch, then ummm FOOD, yummy yummy food can never forget about that. So looking throw my closet i find my sexy bright yellow skinny jeans that make my ass look AMAZING and my BATMAN top. i look in the mirror and i agree with my self i look sexy and ready for the boys.

OK next my room, its not to bad its what i would class as clean it will do , my belly is sooo going to eat me if i don't get food soon.

I jump skip and hop into the kitchen and am greeted with my mothers kissing AWWW i wish i had some boy or two to kiss like that. "Hey mum, mummy, WERE IS MY FOOD, HEAR MY BELLY EATING ME FROM THE INSIDE AHHH IT HURTS" i shout and fall on the floor for dramatic effect.. yer I'm totally pulling this off.

"Its on the table sweetheart now get off the floor your not fouling anyone" Mum says, aww come on i cant be that bad at acting surely i should be well i don't know I'm to hungry to think..... 


WHAT NOOO they cant be here yet i haven't eaten yet. i jumped to the table and started to stuff the food down my throat as fast as i can before they see me, meanwhile mummy opens the door. I look up and see them both stood in the doorway the kitchen looking at me with amusement, wow that is a sexy look on both of them, ahh choking now, not a good idea to perv and eat... ahhh cant breath. i feel a hand smacking my back and another on my hands to stop me from hurting myself.

chocking sucks *sad face* "Well that was quiet a hello from you cutey, but maybe a simple hello or a kiss would have done" i blush at Graysons comment and nod like an idiot, really brain that's all you could do is nod no reply way to go there.

I blush big time i think i look like my hair now. " Yay your both here " i shout at them both. I grab both of there hands and drag them both upstairs into my room. mwahahaha cant escape me now.

i Look both JJ and Gray up and down and OH MY SWEET JESUS they are sex on legs. "Why thank you i think you both look sexy to" ow no i said that out loud. i blush  and smile. i Look and JJ and he smiles and blushes as well. awww he needs a hug i think hehe.

I run and jump on him and latch myself to him cuddling him to me " Hey JJ hows my gbff" he hugs me back with just as much power if not more, ahh being squished wait there is a body behind me "i was jealous" Gray says and continues to squish me to JJ's body. "Hey Lex" JJ whispers to me WOW shiver down spine that was HOT.

"Ummm struggling to breath now" I say shyly looking at them both. They place me on the floor and we all stand there awkwardly..... umm awkward turtle hehe turtle such a funny word. "MOVIE night" i shout they must not have expecting it because they both jumped with shocked faces, i couldn't help it i doubled over laughing there faces were sooo  funny. " OMG you should have seen your two's faces they were so funny" i said between laughs.

"Yer that sounds fun lex why don' you go down stairs and get some snacks and we will choose a scary movie to watch" JJ said and proceed to look through my movies with Gray. ok then i've been told.      

I ran down stairs and grabbed as much as my little arms could carry. WOW i maybe small but i could carry quiet a bit. As i go to exit the kitchen a note to the counter grabs my attention.

Hey Low 

Hunny me and your mum are going out for the day, won't be back till later tonight have fun with your crushed and well see you later or in the morning if your asleep. There's money on the fridge for a takeaway if you want have fun!!!

Lots of love Mummy


AWW there having date night well day. I continue i skipping journey upstairs with my arms full of all sorts and go to walk into my room.

NO NO NO NO NO they can't......

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