Who are you? Ask yourself this. We're all different, but what sets us apart? Some say NORMAL, but what is normal? There's not really a definition because society has changed and ruined everything. We all grew up with morals and good behavior, but then we got let go. We're done being shaped. We have to do it on our own now. Sometimes I barely know who I am. Our brains are so cloudy. Maybe we should turn our headlights on brighter to see. You're driving down and you wreck because you're to careless to try. You think you're so much higher on the scale then everyone out there. Look what you've done. You've RUINED someone else by one tiny mistake. There lights are literally gone. Now they're in the dark because of you and you're carelessness. Maybe you could have made a better decision with your life instead of going higher on up than all of us. Is this how we're all going to go? Dead from cloudy minds.