Chapter 5 ~ At A Nerd's Confusment

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* Alondra POV *

I sent Dean to get Dustin a cup of orange juice.

"I'm still surprised." He sincerely stated.

"It was simply to change my look and get people to notice me more. I don't even want to wear this anymore." I pointed to the fabric that was squeezing my body and probably stopping the blood circulation.

"So what people made you decide to change your look?" He asked.

"Well, it was for a certain guy, but now I understand how dumb it was and I completely regret it." I sheepishly shook my head.

He seemed to be confused.

"I realized that he should like me for who I am and not for some somewhat erotic clothes I wear."

"True." He nodded pursing his lips.

"Which reminds me that I have to change." I hopped off my bed, grabbed a pair of shorts and a navy blue t-shirt. I went inside the bathroom and changed quickly.

Dustin is a pretty cool guy, and he seems to be a true friend. He's also pretty wealthy but isn't snobby. That is one of the reasons why I like him so much. Finally someone I could relate to. He wants to go into the medical field as myself and he's a total nerd.

Finished changing I stepped out the bathroom only to find Dean glaring at Dustin.

"Hey, Al?"


"I think I have to go my parents think I'm in the library."

"Oh, ok. I'll give you a ride."

He nodded and we started walking towards my car.

Dean was in between us and it was really pushing me to the edge.

Once we got in the car I argued with Dean to switch seats with Dustin, again.

Only this time he listen.

Dustin gave me directions to his house, during the whole ride.

Once we got there I got out the car and walked with him to the front door.

I was pretty happy that Dean hadn't followed us.

"Thanks for everything."

"No, thank you. You're great friend and I hope we can hang out again some time... soon."

"We will."


"Oh, and Alondra. I like you better in this clothes than what you decided to wear at school today." He mumbled.
We both blushed.

"Thanks." I hugged him. His face immediately became a bright red.

"Oh, Al?"


"Can I have your number?" He sheepishly smiled.

"Of course."I blushed.

To tell the truth I had only about ten contacts.

And most of them were my relatives.

He gave me his phone, and I put in my digits quickly, only because Dean honked the horn of my car about thirty times.

"I'll text you later."

"I'll be expecting your text then." I smiled waving my phone awkwardly.

"Bye Al."

"Bye Dust."  I walked over to my car.

I slowly pulled out of his drive way, and now was on my way home.

"You shouldn't hangout with him." Dean stated.

I ignored him.

"Al, I'm sorry."

"Don't call me that." I rolled my eyes. He was becoming the greatest nuisance to ever live.

"Why? Because that idiot of a kid can?"

"His name is Dustin. Don't refer to him as an idiot. Dustin is my friend he calls me by my nickname. So stop talking and leave me alone."

"He's not a good person Al." I ignored him, and turned up the radio.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you.

Cause I know that you feel me somehow.

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be.

And I don't want to go home right now.

And all I can taste is this moment.

And all I can breath is your life.

Sooner or later it's over

And I don't want to miss you tonight."

All of a sudden the music was cut off.

I looked up at the culprit and turned the music back on only to have it turned off.

"Can you stop!" I squealed.

"Will you listen to me?"

"You are nothing but an arrogant jerk! I have been listening to you! Just because I don't reply doesn't mean I haven't!" I clenched my teeth.

Before I knew I was pulling up to my drive way and getting out the car as quickly as I could.

I ran up to my room. When I opened the door, I was astonished to see my mother. She was sitting on my bed reading a book.

"Aw Alondra you're back. Where'd you go?"

"Dropped a friend at his house." I coughed awkwardly.

"Are you lying?"

"No mother, I never lie!" She was already adding fuel to my fire.

"Don't raise your voice at me. And I know you are, because you don't have friends." She stated matter-o-factly.

"I have one friend. His name is Dustin and he's a great friend."

She nodded her head. A faint smile on her face.

"So Dean how have you been?" She stood up and walked to Dean. Surprisingly he was right beside me.

"Very good ma'm. What about yourself?" He asked, but I could see through his whole act.

"Excellent actually."

"Mother?" I interrupted.

"Yes dear?"

"Why are you here?"

"I heard that you decided to get a makeover. And I just had to come, and see for myself. But I see no difference." She stated disappointed.

"Oh I did, but I felt uncomfortable so I decided against it."

"Very well. I must be going then." Seriously that was it?

"Oh mother! Can you do me a huge favor before you take off?" I pleaded.

"And what would that be?" She asked slightly interested. I never did ask for favors this must be a great step to change.

"Could you please fire him?" I pointed my thumb over to Dean, who looked as he had been shocked to hear such a demand.

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