Chapter~ 7 At A Nerd's Questioning

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*Alondra POV*

"C'mon we are going to be late!" I shouted at Dean. He was still in the car checking if his hair looked fine. He had already asked me and I said it looked like it did every day. With that response, I received a glare.

Groaning in frustration, I began walking to school by myself. I was not going to begin being the tardy student the whole class turns around to look at.

Sliding my bag off my shoulder I continued to hang it in my locker and take my books out.

It had been a month now, and I felt as though I was coming out of my shell. I was not as shy and quiet as I was before. Well, at least not in front of Dean or Dustin.

Before I knew it I was taking my seat reading, waiting for announcements that were about to come any minute now.

"Hello! Smart students, terrific teachers, and perfect parents, that we have on campus this fantastic Friday, and last should I add!"


"Today is the last day of school because we are going on our spring break!"

Oh yes, I forgot!

"Also today's our last game of football. So after lunch everybody that is on the team please report to the gym."

And that was all I heard, after I zoned out, and started copying the board.


"Seven dollars and ten cents is your total." The cafeteria cashier lady told me.

I was about to pull out my money when someone else, stretched their arm out and gave the lady a ten dollar bill.

Confused I turned around, and saw Dustin, smiling at the lunch lady.

He grabbed my food with one hand and put another on my waist. I jumped at the action, I was a little surprised.

Dustin led me to a table in the back. I guess where he usually sat.

"Hey Dust!" I smiled.

"Hey, Al."


"Oh sorry, I did that. I just wanted you to sit with me." He sheepishly said.

"Oh no, it's fine, but you didn't have to pay."

"It's okay I wanted to." We both grinned and started eating our food.

"Are we still on?"

"Staying at my house you mean?"


"Good. I just didn't want you to bail on me."

"I would never, besides we're best friends." I reminded him.

He was about to speak when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Spinning around I came face-to-face with Dean. As usual, he was scowling at Dustin...

"Hey, can I talk to you?"

"Yea sure." I wiped my mouth with a napkin and got up from my seat, giving Dustin an apologetic smile. "I'll be right back Dust." I excused myself.

I heard Dean scoff, and I rolled my eyes. He proceeded to pull me far away from the table. We came to a stop at the end of a hallway. I was eyeing Dean he was being weird.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Oh, yea. I don't think you should hangout with Dustin." He told me.

"You're joking right?"

At A Nerd's SeviceWhere stories live. Discover now