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MAGIC. Was the word that on the painting he could see.

He had cup of whiskey on his hand; when he saw that he through the cup to the floor breaking it on thousands of pieces.

Lights came out the painting and the word magic was form on it.

But didn't last that much till the lights stop but the word stayed on it.

So Christian thought.

That he was gonna be able of tell Gabriel of the stuff that happened that night.

He called grabriel early in the morning but Gabriel didn't wan to go to the gallery again.

Christian told him.

That at 3 am lights where coming out of the painting and a letter moved from one part to another and form the word magic.

Gabriel response was.

You should change what you drink for something softer.

You should star drinking coffee Gabriel said; and hanging out the phone Gabriel star crying for the memories that he had with his daughter.

Christian thought he was going crazy.

He worked that day but he acted lost all day.

The night came.
The third night he stayed at the gallery by this time he waited till 3 am waiting for the lights to come out; and thats how it happened at 3 am the lights came out he run to the painting.
But thus time was different the lights were shining with more power. It was magical.

But this time he didn't drops the painting he took it with his hands and shake it.

While he was shaking it a saying got together on the paint.

The saying say.

Magic has no logic and where is no logic there is magic so come in to a world with no logic.
Full of magic.

He rode the saying and disappear he went in to the painting.

To a magical world.

A world where the paintings where alive and humans were art.

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