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He was sucked into this world.
A world on magic where painting were alive. And humans were considered extrange creatures.

They were hunt and put between walls for the paintings go and see then like we do with art.

Christian got confuse he didn't know where he was.

He was on a cave.

He got out and saw this beautiful forest; flowers on the ground.

And a nice pad.
He follow the pad.

That took him to this enormous castle.

Where a festival was going on.

They where celebrating the 100 years of the number one.

That's how they called him.

Christian walked into the castle he walked around without seen someone.

He stood there for the
Whole day he couldn't find any explanation to what happened to him or where he was.

When the night came he started hearing noises like someone was coming.

He run to hide. To see what it was coming.

He couldn't believe what his eyes were watching.

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