Chapter 21 " She Hates you."

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" Come on." Vanessa begged, " it'll be fun."

 " Are you stupid?" i turned around to face her. " Yes, But i really want to, Justin."

 " It's too much of a risk."

 " Who gives a shit cloud? You'll be caught anyways so let's just go and have fun for once." Vanessa said Pressing her hands together like she was praying. " You Can, But i'm not going."

 " Aren't you tired of being in the house like a locked up animal?" i rolled my eyes, " you know actually no, all my life i've been locked up. I'm used to it."

 " Well then bitch, i'll go ask Lina." Vanessa skipped up the stairs. I followed her up, ready to tell Lina she can't, and won't go.

 " Lina!" Vanessa yelled threw the bedroom door knocking a few times. Lina opened " What time is it." She yawned. I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest looking at that sexy figure of hers.

 " Doesn't matter, Do you want to go to a club with me?" i rolled my eyes again, " What if we get caught." Lina questioned. " We Won't." Lina looked at me in the eye i shook my head,no.

 " Sure." Lina smiled. Just when Vanessa and Lina were going into Vanessa's room i grabbed Lina's arm. " You Aren't going." i snapped. " Maybe i want to."

 " You Aren't even old enough, When you go theres security they'll ask you for an ID that you don't even have. Then  he'll reconize your face from the news, call the police and it'll be YOU who screwed evverything up." i tigted my grip on her arm.

 " Just let go of her before you hurt her." Vanessa tried to pull my arm away but i swung my other hand around hitting her face so hard it stung my hand.

 " Stay Out of it."

 " Maybe it's best if i get caught. For you i mean, you're mean and nasty. You're an animal, and animals are supposed to be locked up!" Lina yelled at me pulling her arm away.

 I was shocked and angry. " What the fuck did you just say to me?" i yelled pushing her against the wall. " I said you're an animal. You belong in a zoo, murder."

 " You're a bitch." i said threw gritted teeth " you won't hurt me." She faked smile trying to make me more pissed. Damn did it work. I Was silent trying to think of a come back, " you're pathetic." Lina looked me in the eye as she said it.

 I got so furious i put both my hands around her throat squeezing harder she was trying to pull lose but i didn't budge.

 " Justin stop!" Vanessa Screamed pushing me i was to big, strong for her to move I looked right into Lina's eyes seeing her in pain. " May!" Vanessa screamed again seconds later May flew up the stairs.

 Vanessa and May managed to move me away from Lina, Lina fell to the ground gasping for air. The two girls fell to her side. " Leave Justin." Vanessa told me. I felt like i was paralyzed it hit me on what i did to her. " Leave now!" Vanessa raised her voice. Making me jump and walk downstairs with my hands on my head.

 Tears began to fall from my eyes. Glancing to the side a mirror hung from the wall. I looked at myself, Lina's words hit me like a truck. ' you're an animal, you belong in a zoo, murder, you're pathetic.'

 Punching the mirror causing it to shatter to pieces. My fist started throbbing. Blood was all of my hand. " I told you too leave." Vanessa stood on the stair looking at me. " I can't." she chuckled " Doors right there. You hurt her Justin. She's not going to forgive you for that."

 " I'm still not leaving."

 " Why? Lina hates you."

 " you don't know that." the tears stopped coming down. Now i was just plan out pissed. " She told me."

 " Did you like it when Conrad died? no. You didn't want to leave him, right? That's how i feel. I'm not leaving and that's final."

 "But i did leave him i left him for you shit brains. you don't see him here, do you? no."

 " I'm not fucking leaving!" i screamed. " Then i'm gonna make you." she picked up a long piece of broken glass. Walking towards me. " Good Luck trying." i said picking up the wooden chair throwing it at her wrist making the glass fall. Grabbing her arm i swung her around slamming her head against the wall knocking her out cold.

 " What the hell?" May came down with Lina attached to her arm. " Don't ever mess with me." i saw how frightened they were, I was relieved now.

 I Loved making people hurt, scared. I'm gonna do this more often i forgot how good this feels.

 Changing for someone else is bullshit. Be yourself or no one at all

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