Chapter 2

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Everything had happened so fast, it was still a blur to them all. One by one they were debriefed it had been a multi-agency raid and had many moving parts, he just wanted to leave.

He had to get to her, she needed to know.

Adam jammed his hands in his pockets and jogged over to where Hank was meeting with one the DEA agents, "Boss..can I talk to you?" He asked.

Hank nodded briefly before turning his attention back to the agent and shaking his hand, and waiting for him to leave, "What is it Ruzek?" He scrolled through his text messages as he waited.

Adam rocked on his heels, "I know it's against protocol..but can I be the know the one to tell Kim?" He was heartbroken for her, he knew she'd be devastated. He was devastated for her and for Sean, just before they'd left the district he over heard Sean talking with Jay and it was obvious he couldn't wait for the baby to be born.

Hank looked skyward, "I don't know.."

"I do! Boss, let me do this..please? Kim's going to be crushed...let me help her" he pleaded with Hank, he didn't have an ulterior motive. He still loved Kim with all he had, she was no longer his, he knew that.

"Take Olinsky with you, Adam" Hank clapped him on the back as he went back to the mobile command center.

Adam just nodded, he took a deep breath before hunting down Olinsky.

She cursed falling asleep on the couch, her back was throbbing, the constant movement in her belly let her know the baby was dancing around in her womb. She lovingly ran her hand over the bump, "where on earth is your daddy?" She asked, "Mommy's feet hurt and daddy gives the best foot rubs" she found she was always talking to the baby. She had stopped working just after her seven month and found talking to the baby comforting when she was home alone.

Al pulled up in front of Kim and Sean's modest home, "I can't believe we're doing this" Al spoke, he wasn't really talking to Adam. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the events of the day, he was still in a state of shock.

The world was a cruel and twisted place, he was gutted for Kim and that sweet little baby she was carrying.

Adam hadn't seen the house before today, it was very Kim. The house wasn't big or flashy, but it was obviously a home. A small white picket fence framed the small front yard, a brick path lead them to the front door. It was a deep red, Adam knew Kim must have had the final say in all decorating decisions.

It would always be that way now...Kim was now alone.

Adam looked over at Al, "Can you?" He motioned to the doorbell, he was seriously regretting his choice. He could already feel his emotions start to take over, he hated the thought of Kim being hurt in anyway, wether it be physically or emotionally.

He wished he could've traded places with Sean, he'd give anything to be the one in the black body bag, he'd do anything for Kim.

Her happiness was paramount to his, she was who mattered.

Al nodded and pushed the button, he took a deep breath and waited for the door to open

Kim slowly padded into the foyer, huffing when she found Sean's running shoes in the middle of the walkway, he literally dropped his shit all over their house. She kicked them into the corner of the room out of the way of whoever it was at the door.

She checked the peephole, and was alarmed to see Adam and Al on the other side of the door, in one swift motion she had the door unlocked and opened.

"Yes?" Kim said meekly, her hand still on the doorknob.

Adam felt the breath leave his lungs.

"Kim, can we come in?" Al asked, his hat in his hand.

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