Chapter 9

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It had been three weeks since, Kim had told her sister she needed to leave she had gone back to the house a few times since then and was disappointed to find Deanna hadn't left.

Today, they had decided that enough was enough and that it was time.

Adam drove, he knew Kim was a nervous wreck and he hoped for the sake of everyone involved that Deanna would be gone. He really didn't want to get the police involved but he would if he had to.

As he pulled in the driveway, it looked as if the coast was clear, the house looked empty.

"Maybe she's gone.." Adam spoke as he unbuckled Madison from her car seat, "No matter what Kim, it's all going to work out...I promise"

"Mama!" Madison reached for her mother, her eyes were heavy and Kim knew she was sleepy.

Adam unlocked the door, "Deanna?" He called out and quickly flipped the light on, "I think she's gone Kim" he closed the door behind Kim.

Kim scanned the room, happy to see everything in its place, and no sign of her sister.

Adam found the envelope on the counter, "Kim, here.." She handed Madison to Adam

Kim took the envelope and sat on the couch, Adam bounced on the balls of his feet hoping to lull Madison to sleep.

Kim pulled the letter out, she'd recognize her sister's distinct handwriting anywhere it was like a work of art, her letters intricately written and she'd always been jealous of her handwriting, her's was just a step above chicken scratch.

Dear Kim,

I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me, I swear I only had your best interest at heart, Madison's too. I regret the way I went about things and the fact that I allowed you to think that Adam had just walked away from you and from Madison. It's just you had gone through so much since Adam first broke your heart, and somehow you moved on and found happiness with Sean. Only for that happiness to be snatched away, I was cruel to you and even Adam.
Our mother told me that you had 'settled' for Sean, and I guess deep down I knew that, I knew your heart would always belong to Adam and that was what scared me the most, I couldn't allow him to hurt you.
Instead I did that, I hurt you and I hurt Madison....I will never forgive myself, and I don't expect you to...I hope someday you will. I wish you nothing but the best life has to offer and if it's with Adam...I hope it works out, my niece needs a daddy..I hope he can be that for her, that he could be half the father we had. If he is Madison will be the luckiest girl in the world.
Please, don't cut Mom and Zoe from your life, they both love you so and shouldn't suffer because of my mistakes.
Forever Your Big Sister

Kim set the letter on the table, she didn't know how to feel. She was still angry, but more than that she was hurt.

"Well?" Adam returned having put Madison in her crib.

Kim covered her face with her hands, "I don't know...she's sorry. I just don't know if I'm ready to forgive her...she really hurt me Adam, I don't know how to wrap my mind around that"

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "you don't have to..not yet anyway"

She nodded, "Madison asleep?"

"She is, she was exhausted" Adam told her, she'd just start crawling and she was hell on all fours, she was just nine months old but she was in to everything and wanted to explore everything she encountered.

She kept them on their toes, she was a spitfire.

Adam put his feet up on the coffee table, "I'm gonna miss you's going to be weird as fuck not having my girls with me" he dreaded the idea of them not being at the apartment.

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