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I woke up to Blake's arms around me holding me so tightly that I could barely breathe. I grabbed my phone & accidentally woke him up.
"Good morning beautiful. How are you?" He said yawning.
"Can't breathe!" I said joking.
Blake at first didn't understand, so he laughed, but then I pushed on his arms and he released me. The doorbell rang. Blake ran downstairs to get the door. He soon returned.
"Blake who was that?" I asked.
"Oh...uh, just DJ. " Blake said.
"Oh okay. What'd he want?" I asked.
"Oh DJ just came by to grab the keys to the Maserati. I'm letting him drive it since he's my bro."
"But I can't drive it?"
"Haha yeah well um....Em I just don't want to take any chances."
"So you're saying that DJ's a better driver than me?"
"Okay whatever Blake."
I got up and went downstairs to go make breakfast. I made a protein shake. Blake came downstairs too.
"I'm sorry."Blake said Hugging me.
I didn't hug back for awhile but, I couldn't stay mad at him I hugged him back. He always did this when I was mad at him. He'd hug me & hold on to me until I hugged him back. We drank our shakes then took a shower and got dressed. I was wearing a L.A Sparks SnapBack, my short shorts, a L.A Sparks shirt & my black vans. And Blake wore khaki shorts, Sperrys, and a nice shirt.
" You're looking all cute."I said to Blake.
"Haha thanks ." Blake said.
We walked to the garage.
"You pick." Blake said pointing to all of the keys to the cars. We had 4 cars. My BMW, the Maserati, a Range Rover, and One of Blake's favorites, his Mercedes Benz. Since the Maserati was gone because DJ was driving it, I grabbed the keys to the Range Rover. I handed him the keys and we got in.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"The Lakers Practice Center."
"Why do we need to go to the Lakers Practice Center?"
"Kobe, JJ, and I have some business to discuss. I was thinking after that we can go pick up Ford. Brynn said I can have him for the rest of the week."
"Oh okay. I can't wait to see him."
"Me too. I missed my little guy."
I smiled. By the way Ford is Blake's son. He's about three years old. Blake was with Ford's mom, Brynn before we were together. Blake and I have been together for about 2 years so I have only known Ford, for 2 years.
So Blake and I drove to the Laker's stadium and when we pulled up and I saw Kobe I ran up to him and hugged him.
"Ahhh Em you scared me!" He screamed.
We both laughed.
"It's great to see you Mamba."I smiled.
"Haha you too Em."Kobe said.
Blake walked up to us. They shook hands.
"Aye what up Griffin?" Kobe said to Blake.
"Oh not too much. What about you man?"
They talked for awhile. I went inside. I knew the whole team & they knew me. D'Angelo Russell, and Nick Young were very happy to see me. They were just signing basketballs.
"Em you can sit on my lap if you want." Nick Young said.
"Haha okay."
I first hesitated since if Blake found out he may freak out but I doubt it. And anyways I've known Nick for a long time. He's a family friend. And we're really good friends. So we all talked.
"So how's the team doing?"Nick asked.
"We're doing pretty good. Tomorrow we have a game against The Fever." I said.
He laughed." Ya'll better win. I'll be there."  "Omg thanks Nick." I said.
"Yup no problem. Anyways I haven't been to a WNBA game in a little while."
We talked for a while. They kept on signing basketballs, shirts, and hats as we talked. I think Blake was at a meeting with Kobe.
"Hey we're going to take a break. Do you wanna play 21 with us?" Nick asked.
"Of course."I said.
It was D'Angelo, Nick, and Jordan Clarkson. I was doing pretty good until Nick dunked on me. I scored on him a few times. The guys didn't take it easy on me and I knew they wouldn't. I'm used to it. The whole team watched us play. I was doing really good. Blake and Kobe walked across the court and Blake stopped to watch us. And my guess to make sure they weren't being too hard on me. He and Kobe watched us all play.
Once my team finally hit 21 points the game was over. We all high fived each other and got Gatorade. All of the guys told me I did good. Then I  walked up to Blake, sweating badly.
"How'd....the....meeting go?" I struggled to speak since I was breathing heavy.
He kissed me. Being funny I wiped my sweaty arm on his face.
"Eww." He said laughing. I laughed too. We said goodbye to the guys then left to get Ford.
"So how'd it go?"I asked.
"Good. Kobe and I are going to be in a video game. And I may play for the Lakers next year."
"Wow a video game would be awesome."
"Yeah. How would you feel about moving here?"
"I don't know. I like where we're at."
"Me too but then I'd be closer to Ford. If we stayed where we are I'd have to drive an hour to practice everyday."
"Oh okay." I said.
Honestly we shouldn't move here. Blake probably wouldn't be a starter and the Lakers didn't have the greatest record. The Clippers were way better. And I'd miss team. And I'm pretty sure they'd understand but I know DJ would be heartbroken. Blake's his best friend.
"I know you're lying."Blake said.
Dang it!! I said in my mind. When I lied my palms got all sweaty. And right now they were really sweaty.
"Okay well I'll tell you the truth Blake I don't think you'd get the playing time. And the Lakers suck. And think about DJ and the team. They'd be nothing without you."
"You think I suck?"Blake asked.
"No it's just they have Nick Young and D'Angelo Russell. Blake you're a amazing player though."
"Apparently I'm not that amazing if you think that Nick, freaking Young will get more time than me. What the heck?Have you seen his handles? Mine are way better."
I sat there. Blake just raised his voice at me.
"Don't talk about Nick like that."
"Why are you defending Nick? Do you like him? I know you two were getting pretty close today when you sat on his lap while he signed stuff. And when you guys played 21." Blake sounded stressed.
Wow I thought to myself. I had no clue that he knew that. I honestly thought he wouldn't freak out.
"No Blake you don't understand. He's a family friend. My brother is his best friend."
"Well you still shouldn't be sitting on his lap."
"I'm sorry."
He just shook his head. When we got to Ford's house I locked the car doors so Blake couldn't get out. We needed to talk. I wasn't going to have a awkward silence while Ford was here.
"WHAT EMERSON!!!!"Blake yelled.
"What's wrong with you?" I whispered.
"Calm down Blake."
He jumped out of the car, and kicked the ground a few times. I heard him yell, "DANG IT." Then he came inside the car.
"Are you okay now?"
"I'm fine. I'm sorry Em I've been super stressed about Austin Rivers leaving, and now Nick Young flirting with you & everything else about the league right now."
I hugged him.
We both got out of the car. .  Then we walked up to the door and Blake knocked.
Soon Brynn came to the door.
"Omg Emerson!!!!" She smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back.
"Man Brynn no hello to me?"Blake laughed.
"Ohhh hey Blake." She hugged him. 
"Hey. Where's my little dude?"He asked.
"Ford!!!" She yelled.
We stepped inside. Brynn lived with her husband, Will Drake, a famous fashion designer. They lived in a huge house, bigger than our house. Brynn had 2 kids with Will. Soon Ford came running downstairs.
"DADDY!" Ford yelled when he seen Blake. Once Ford ran to Blake, Blake picked him up and hugged him.
"Aye what's up little man." Blake said squeezing Ford.
He put Ford down and Ford came up to me next and extended his arms. I picked him up and hugged him.
"Mommy!" He said smiling.
"Awe Hey Ford!" I said smiling.
I put him down and we said goodbye to Brynn and Blake carried Ford's bag. Blake buckled him in his car seat. Ford wanted me to sit with him so I sat in the backseat. We made small conversation and played with his toy cars. We both fell asleep.

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