Our First Vacation As A Famiy

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It was a few days later and Ford arrived. We were putting the luggage in our car. Blake grabbed his large suitcase.
"I got it." I said, taking it from him.
He looked at me and hesitated to let it go.
"Em this isn't right. I'm a man. You're a woman. You shouldn't be carrying my stuff." He said.
"I know but you're hurt. Blake you have at least five more months until you have a full recovery."
"I know. I'm in pain Em."
I kissed him.
"Daddy are you okay?" Ford asked.
"Oh uh dude I'm fine. Daddy's fine."
"Ok daddy."
I put everything in the car, buckled Ford in his car seat and drove us to the airport.   

We had just boarded the plane. It was amazing. There was champagne waiting for us and a apple juice for Ford. Blake greeted the pilot and then Ford got really scared for some reason.
"Daddy, mommy ahh take me bawk!" He screamed.
"Aye Ford it's alright dude. You're going to be fine." Blake said, putting Ford on his lap.
Ford had been crying for fifteen minutes.
"Aye Ford you gotta stop dude. Do you want to watch SpongeBob?" Blake asked.
He immediately stopped crying. Blake turned on SpongeBob. Ford watched it and he stopped crying.
"I didn't know that was going to get him to stop crying." I said.
"I thought it may but I didn't know. It's his favorite show."
"Oh okay."
" can you get me some ice please."
"Of course."
I found the kitchen and got him some ice. He put it on his leg.
"Ahh thank you." He said.
"You're welcome. This jet is amazing. I know we've only been on here for like thirty minutes but still." I said.
"Haha yeah. You've posted like a zillion pictures on snap chat."
"Because it is amazing!"
"Just like you."
"AWH." I said blushing.
"Wow your smile takes me miles. It's so perfect."
"Nice pickup line.Thank you tho."
Blake kissed me. I kissed him back. He slightly moaned.
"Wow already." I said, laughing.
"Um yeah Emerson. We haven't done anything in a while."
"We can't. You just had surgery."
"But Emerson you can't do this to me."
"Sorry babe not gonna happen."

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