Chapter 10: Losing Her Mind

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Katerina woke up early in the morning. Made her morning jasmine tea. She went to check on Sarah and Liam she was surprised to find their beds empty. She figured they went to class already. she got her bag and her portfolio and left to go to class. She texted Sarah asking where she was. but got no answer. Class went by slowly. All she could think about was caius. She never felt comfortable around someone she didn't know. It felt so safe secure. Something g she hadn't felt in a really long time. She loved that he was a painter. As the class came to an end she checked her phone again. Still there was no reply from Sarah or Liam. She was on her way to the the cafeteria when the over head intercom went off announcing that no student will be able to leave the premises and to report to their dorm rooms. Katerina got to her room. She looked into Sarah and Liam's room they still weren't there. She started to get worried.
Two days later there was a knock on her door she opened it. There was two officers and the Dean of the college. Hello miss Robertson a few students have been reported missing. Among them Sara and Liam Williams have you heard from them lately. The Dean asked. No I haven't seen them since Halloween night at the Halloween party at the Volterra castle. I've been trying to get a hold of them but neither of them have replied to my calls or text. She replied the Volterra castle are you sure that's where you were that place has been empty for centuries. The officers said what but I swear that's where it was it was huge function. I left early because I had class early in the morning. Sarah and Liam stayed. Katerina replied OK miss Robertson thank you for the information. The officers replied wait you said others were missing as well? She asked yes about 25 others. It seems they all went to this party that you went to. The officers replied well I if you have anymore questions I am willing to help in any way Sarah and Liam were my best friends. She replied thank you miss we will let you know. The officer replied they left Katerina couldn't believe that they were missing. To clear her mind she sat down and finished her painting of the blonde man from her dreams. After she finished she started painting the garden from the party. She finished it around midnight. She put her paints away then went to bed.

She was woken the next morning by a knock on the door. She got up and opened it Sarah stood before her in her party dress it was torn and bloody.she was crying. Oh my god Sarah what happened to you? She asked frantically. Oh Kat I thought I would never make it out of there. It was horrible. They tricked us Kat. They killed him they killed my brother.she cried hysterically what are you talking about Sarah. Who killed Liam she asked the kings and their friends they weren't human Kat they were monsters they killed everyone there I barely escaped. Sarah said clinging to her OK Sarah we need to go to the police you need to tell them what happened. Katerina replied no Kat they won't believe me they will think I'm crazy. please don't bring me there. She replied okay okay I won't just lay down on the couch and I'll make you some tea. Katerina went and made her some tea. She brought it back and handed it to her. OK now tell me everything that happened. Sarah took a sip and told her everything from what happened from when Katerina left to the grand feast. Katerina couldn't believe what she was hearing how could they do that. Sarah fell asleep from exhaustion Katerina covered her with a blanket and called the police. They arrived a few minutes later. Katerina told them everything that Sarah had told her. There's only one problem with her story. We sent a unit up to the castle and it's empty and boarded up. No one has lived there in a century. The officer said but I was there as well. She replied I know miss but this happens every year and everytime we check it out its the same empty. He replied Sarah woke up and saw the police man Kat you rlpromised you wouldn't call the cops. I'm sorry Sarah but I had too your brother and others are still missing. Kat replied I told touchstone happened why don't you believe me. Sarah yelled I do but you need to give your statement they can help you. Katerina replied no they can't he's gone and dead. They killed him. She started to become hysterical. The officer called for back up they had to restrain Sarah just to get her into the cruiser. Thank you miss Robertson it is for the best. He said. Then they left

Three months later Katerina went to visit Sarah. She had been admitted to the mental hospital. She was always talking about non human beings drinking blood and blood covering the walls. Katerina felt guilty that this happened. When she got there she checked in. The woman at the desk told here to hold on. She waited for ten minutes. The head doctor came out. I'm sorry miss Robertson but your friend Sarah took her life last night. He said sadly Katerina's heart broke she started to cry can I see her. She asked yes you can. He led her down to the morgue. On the table laid her dear friend she lightly touched her face. I'm sorry Sarah at least you are at peace now and the nightmares won't scare you anymore. She looked up at the doctor. Can i asked you a question? she asked. sure you can. he replied. Do you think that all the stuff she said happened was real? she asked I don't know. i believe that the trauma from that one night whatever happened to her. made her go insane. i think as a coping mechanism she made up images in her mind. but we will never know what caused them. he replied. thank you doctor. she signed the papers since Sarah had no other family. Katerina left the hospital and went home.

Two days later she had sarah buried. as she watched the casket being lowered she felt like she was being wached she turned around and looked but didnt see anyone. she looked back at the casket. goodbye Sarah. she threw a lily into the grave then left. while she was driving back home she decided to go see the castle to see if what the officers said about the castle being abandoned. she found the street and drove down the long driveway. she gasped as she saw the castle was boarded up and there was graffiti all over the walls. she got out of her car and walked up to the castle doors. she tried to pull on them but they wouldn't budge. she walked around to the garden she found the balcony that she had sat upon with caius she found a staircase that led up to it she walked up and sat down. she closed her eyes. the images from that night flowed to her mind. a few moments later she opened them. she got the most wonderful idea for her next painting. she stood up and walked back to her car. she wasn't aware of being watched as she left the castle. she got in her car and drove back to her dorm.

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