Chapter 21

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Sorry it has been awhile. Here is a small chapter to hold you over. Enjoy.

One month later...

Katerina was sitting in bed reading the hundredth book that Marcus had brought her to keep her occupied while she was bedridden due to the approaching delivery date and how big she had gotten. She smiled and rubbed her stomach as she remembered the time she found out she was pregnant.

A month earlier...
Katerina could hear voices around her. She slowly opened her eyes. She turned towards the sound of Caius and Marcus voice. What time is it? She asked sleepily. They turned to her and smiled. Hello my love. Marcus said softly as he laid his hand on her stomach which had started to round since it had been almost a week since they found out. She looked down when did I gain so much weight. She asked. Well to answer your first question it is 11:00 in the morning and your answer to your second question is that you are pregnant. Caius replied smiling at her. Oh really well I'm starved and wait did you just say I am pregnant. She then felt a slight nudge in her stomach. She gasped and smiled. Oh my god I've always wanted a child. She kissed Caius and Marcus so whose the father she joked we will find out once you give birth they both laughed. Well I'll just be happy if they are healthy. She replied.

She smiled to herself as she rubbed her stomach as the babies kicked inside. She put her book down and stood up so she could stretch her legs. As she walked back and forth across the room she began to have slight contractions. The door opened just as a shot of pain went through her spine she screamed in pain and almost fell to the ground when a pair of arms caught her. She felt the liquid between her legs she looked up into the topaz eyes of Carlisle I think they are ready to come out she joked. He laughed and gently placed her on the bed he called for Marcus and Caius. They were quickly at her side and Jane was there to help Carlisle. How long were you having contractions? Carlisle asked only a few minutes, why? she replied thru clenched teeth. Because your already fully dilated you can begin to push.  Carlisle informed oh good katerina took hold of Marcus and caius hands and started to push. She screamed as she pushed. I really hate both of you for doing this to me she screamed...twenty minutes later the first child came out screaming it little lungs. Carlisle cut the cord and handed it to Jane to wash and wrapped the baby in a blanket master caius your son I believe with all this platinum blonde fluff on his head. She said as she handed the baby to him. Caius held the baby gently against hi m and stared down at the baby inside. He smiled as he stared at the baby. He had soft platinum hair on the top of his head and a perfect little lips and eyelashes. He was shocked to see that his son has his paradise blue eyes.  He was then interupted by Katerina's screams as she was pushing out the last child. He handed the baby back to Jane so she could lay him in one of the bassinets. How... is.... he. Katerina asked between breaths. He is perfect looks just like me when I was human except he has your nose and ears. Caius replied and kissed her forehead. She smiled then screamed as she finally pushed the last one out. The baby came out screaming just like it brother. It's a girl for you you caius. Carlisle announced as he handed the baby to Jane she cleaned her and checked her over quickly then wrapped her tightly in a blanket. And placed her in Katerina's arms. She's perfect. Look she has my curls. Caius I didn't know you had such blue eyes. She said yes well I had forgotten how blue they were. He sat beside her with their son. They ate both perfect. Caius kissed katerina thank you my love for my children. Your... ahhhh!!!!katerina screamed. I thought I was done she yelled at Carlisle. He felt her stomach I only thought there was only two. Here push. Carlisle commanded caius took both of babies and laid them in the bassinet together. Katerina only had to push a few more times till another baby came out followed by one more right after the other. The both had a head full of brown curls and dark brown eyes that looked almost black. It's a boy and a girl. Carlisle announced Jane was quick to clean them. Well they were a surprise Carlisle said and smiled Marcus you also have a son and daughter congratulations to you all. In a matter of 10 minutes the whole room was cleaned and katerina was in clean clothes and new bedding  was placed down all four of the babies were laid down in front of her on the bed while Marcus and caius sat next to her watching their new additions to the Volturi family take in their new surroundings now what do we name them all? Katerina asked.

Please review I need names any ideas please let me know.

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