Chapter 22

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I'm sorry it been so long. My creative juices have been null and void.  Here is a small chapter for all my very patient and dedicated followers this chapter is dedicated to ButlerGirlAnime and everyone else who left a name suggestion on the last chapter.  I hope you enjoy..

Two weeks later..

Katerina was in the nursery with Jane getting the twins ready for Aro's celebration. He was going to announce the new additions to their family to the vampire community. All the covens had been invited. The twins were two weeks old but looked like they were six months old. All four could hold themselves up without any help. Thanks to their diet of milk and blood mixed. Which was requested by their fathers. Especially Caius he didn't want his children to be like the Cullen child that ate only human food. He wanted his children to be powerful and embrace both parts of their mortality. Marcus didn't care what they tell as long as they were happy and healthy.

It took them two days to figure out names for them. Finally Caius and Marcus came to an agreement for their names

Caius and Katerina named their son Oliver Clarius Volturi and their daughter
Olivia Clarissa Volturi.

Marcus named their son
William Dante Volturi.
Katerina named their daughter
Willow Diana Volturi.

Katerina finished brushing Willow's feather soft dark curls and placed her down with her siblings. She went to the door and called for Felix and Demitri they arrived seconds later followed by Alec. We are ready now. She placed Oliver in Felixs arms then Olivia in Demitris. She picked up William in her arms as Jane picked up Willow. They made their way to the ballroom. They were joined by Alec when They stopped in front of the door Katerina waited for them to be announced. Now presenting Queen Katerina Louise Volturi
Prince Oliver Clarius Volturi
Princess Olivia Clarissa Volturi
Prince William Dante Volturi and
Princess Willow Diana Volturi.
The doors opened and they made their way to the Dias. Jane and Alec were William and willows personal guards and Felix and Demitri were Oliver and Olivia's personal guard. It had become one of the greatest honors to be a personal guard to anyone on the royal family. Many applied for the positions since Katerina wanted to be equal opportunity for all the guards but Caius and Marcus already had their minds made up to have their elite to fill those position. Once they made it to the Dias both Marcus and Caius stepped down and each kissed one of Katerina's hands she then moved in between them and turned around to face all their guests. Marcus took William and Caius took Oliver in their arms Katerina took Olivia while Jane held Willow. Aro began his speech welcoming everyone and thank in them for coming to the celebration of the twins birth. He had just finished when Willow sealed and reached for him. Aro laughed and took her from Jane yes my sweet Willow now it is time to enjoy the party in your honor. He kissed her forehead. She giggled then reached back towards Jane.

The rest of the evening went on without a hitch. As the night got later Katerina excused herself and went to help put the children to bed. She then went back to her room she shared with both Marcus and Caius and stripped her dress off and turned on the water for a bath she put in lavender and honey bath bomb then got in and relaxed she didn't hear the bathroom door open or hear when it closed.  Until she felt the water move. She opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of both her men ready for a long night.


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