Chapter 12: Deals

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The door opened a young woman stood there smiling.hello you must've the painter. Come in she opened the door wider to let Katerina in. I'm Gianna. I am to show you to your room then take you to the boss she said as they walked through the corridors. Katerina looked around as they walked they got into an elevator Gianna pressed a button then the doors closed. There was some cheesy elevator music playing in the background. The elevator ding announcing their destination. The door opened they stepped out and walked more. Katerina was trying to remember the way out but gave up after the 15th hundredth turn. They finally came to a large meidevil style door. Gianna stopped and turned to her OK wait here while I announce your arrival. Gianna went in Katerina was surprised that she could open the door it look heavy and solid. She waited patiently. As she waited two men passed her she looked up. Well hello there miss you must be the little painter that the masters have been raving about. The tall one said in a French accent. Yes I am I'm Kat she replied holding out her hand he took it and kissed her hand she blushed lightly. Well I hope you have a good time here. He said and winked at her. Thank you I thanked will if everyone else here is as polite as you she replied just then Gianna came back. Oh Demetri Felix I see you have met our painter. She said yes we were just getting acquainted yes's well the masters will see you now miss Robertson. She said see you around Kat Demetri replied as he wakes away with Felix in tow. I suggest you keep clear if them. They have a tendency if flirting shamelessly with any woman. Gianna warned OK note taken. Kat replied Gianna opened the door and Katerina followed masters I present to you Kat Robertson she said Katerina was looking around the room it was beautiful it was all marble carved just like the Roman buildings. She turned her attention to where Gianna was looking in front her sat the man who bought her masterpiece and the two others that had asked about the garden painting. Hello miss Robertson . My name is Aro and these are my brothers Marcus and caius. I hope your travels were pleasant. The man in the middle said. Yes it was. She replied that's good to here now I asked you here because it's been a long time since my family has had portraits done of them. And my staff will being getting one. I believe this will take a few weeks maybe months to do so I have made arrangements for a room to made up for you to stay in and a studio for you to use at your disposal. Is 200,000 a fair price for each painting. He asked oh yes that's plenty. She replied should we shake on it. He asked as he held out his hand yes that would be fine she put hers in his and shook it he let go of her hand. Now you must be tired I will have one of our guards show toyboy your room. And we will have dinner sent up to you. Tomorrow we will meet and you can begin. Alec please show miss Robertson to her room. Yes master please follow me miss. Katerina followed but not before she caught one more glance at arms brothers. They were very good looking. And that was a hard thing for her to admit she was never one to check out men shamelessly. But for some reason she couldn't help it. She then quickly followed the guard Alec. He seemed kind of young to be a guard. He looked to be seventeen. They walked down multiple corridors till they came to a door at the end of a hallway. Alec opened the door. This will be your room while you are here. The masters hope everything is to your liking. If there is anything you need don't hesitate to ask master Marcus and caius's studies are just down the hall and they usually are there. There will also be a gust appointed to you during your stay. Do not wander the halls alone for your safety. It's very easy to get lost. I will have your dinner sent up soon is there something you would like in particular. He asked mac and cheese will be fine and a glass of red wine. She replied of coarse miss make yourself comfortable and settle in there is a bathroom thought that door. He replied and then left her alone. She turned around and was shocked the bedroom was huge with silver and lavender accents. The bed was so big she thought you could fit six people ion it. She started to unpack her suitcase and put her clothes in the walk in closet. She then took her toiletries into the bathroom which matched the bedroom colors and was completely tile from top to bottom. The shower was large enough to fit four people and had a seat to sit on. There was a Jacuzzi and a bathtub. The closet was stocked with towels toilet paper and everything else you would need in a bathroom. She decided to take a quick shower. When she got out she dressed in a falling in reverse t shirt and black flare yoga pants. When she walked back in the bedroom her dinner was there sitting on the coffee table along with a note. She picked it up and started to read it.

Dear Miss robertson,
I hope the room is to your liking. My brothers and I would like you to notify us for anything you need. We can't wait to get to spend time with you as you paint our portraits. And I hope that we become good friends as the weeks pass.
Sincerely Aro

She smiled to herself she was already feeling comfortable and the people she had met were very nice. She ate her food and drank her wine. She finished and went to the window she realized was actually a door that led to a small balcony.she opened the door and walked out. The night air was refreshing. She had a beautiful view of the city. she looked up at the stars and made a wish that she would find her family. She walked back into her room she took off her necklace then went to bed.

After Katerina left Aro turned around and faced Caius and Marcus. I couldn't see anything. she was a blank canvas. aro said. Are you sure. Marcus asked yes i wouldn't lie to you two not on something this important. we will find even out more tomorrow. he replied as he pulled out the picture of him and Katerina he smiled then put it in his suit jacket.

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