6: A whole new meaning to the phrase "teacher's pet".

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A/N: ok so this is probably the heaviest ive written so far lmao.

keep in mind that time has passed since they first got together and this kinda stuff is normal for them now - i went back to the last chapter and changed the time skip from a week to a month bc i forgot that i had made it so soon. this continues right from the end of the last chapter tho.

hope you like it!


Gerard woke up feeling too cozy to move, warm and snuggly in Frank's big, soft, queen size bed. With several fluffy blankets wrapped around him like a cocoon, Gee rolled over, with his eyes still closed, reaching one hand out into the chilly air and feeling around for Frank. He wasn't there.

Gee made a quiet pouty noise, but no effort to get up. Instead, he buried his face into one of the many squishy pillows and curled up into a ball, waiting for his Daddy to come back to bed. Surely Frank would be back soon - Gerard had spent the night many times by now, and Frank never let him wake up alone.

He realized he must have ended up dozing off, because the next time Gerard came to, he found himself with his face buried into Frank's chest, curled up into a ball against the older man.

"Daddy," Gee murmured, rubbing his face against the soft fabric of Frank's old t-shirt.

Frank's breath hitched and Gerard knew he was awake.

"Finally up, baby boy?"

Frank asked in a soft voice, petting Gee's hair gently.

"Mhm," Gee replied, muffled against his Daddy's body.

"You want breakfast in a little bit?" Frank said quietly, pressing a kiss to his baby's temple.

Gee nodded again.

"Tell you what, kitten... You do what Daddy says, and you can have an extra special treat with your breakfast, okay?"

Gerard perked up and looked up at his Daddy with wide eyes.

"W-What are you gonna do, Daddy?" Gee questioned in a groggy voice.

Frank smirked and Gerard could have sworn he heard him laugh under his breath. Then, the teacher rolled onto his side and reached for the nightstand drawer. Gerard sat up halfway and swallowed hard - not out of fear, but in anticipation for what was coming. His Daddy returned to his side with a bottle of lube in one hand, and a plug in the other. Gee recognized it right away as the vibrating one.

"Lay back again for me, baby," Frank whispered.

Gerard complied without a word. His heart was pounding in his chest already and his face felt hot. Frank leered over him, then sat up, popping open the cap of the bottle and slicking up the toy.

"You gonna be a good boy for Daddy?"

Gee nodded feverishly, but kept his thin lips tightly sealed, not knowing how strictly Frank was about to play this game. It became increasingly difficult as his Daddy slipped a finger into him, sliding in and out slowly, crooking it and searching for his sweet spot as Gerard became more relaxed.

"Are you gonna be a good pet?" Frank spoke almost the exact same question again, seemingly ignoring Gerard's response.

He nodded again, and this time Frank smiled, adding a second finger and nearly forcing a choked moan out of Gerard. He pumped it a few times, then removed his hand all together.

"Then don't move."

All at once, he stuffed the little plug inside Gerard, making the boy squeal, and snap his mouth shut again all in an instant. Frank sensed what Gee was worried about, and spoke up to calm him down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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