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As Michael watched over Ella, he heard hurried steps. A knock on the door. 

"Sr? The Doc is here with the other one? I think you may want to relocate...."

" I'll get in the closet. Keep and eye all the time". The guard said a serious, "yes sir" and made way to open the house door and let them in . Fallowing instructions he fallow behind the Doctors and nothing would stop him. He very well behaved open the bedroom door. Where the nurse was already back.

"Good day everyone".  Said the good doctor, looking around. "Where is Mic - he got caught off . "The man of the house still sleeping. He's very tired." Said the Guard and the nurse nodded with very wide eyes.

 She got up and went to stand by the guard. Doctor Torres got out his stethoscope and placed it on the girls chest everyone was silent. He took her pulse and blood pressure.

 Hmmmm.... He said to himself as the valve deflated." Henry?"

" Yes Ramon?" Answered the other doctor.

 "How many mg of Demerol is she on?"

 "75 mg every 4 hrs"
" You might want to recalculate" Told him Dr. Torres." I am sorry to say, she is small. Has she waken at all?"

 He asked the nurse. She stepped forward.

 " Incoherent words,grunts, hardly opens her eyes and she had shallow slow breaths last night. So since you told me to use oxigen, if i saw it was needed; I did"

" That's what I thought. Henry she has a blood pressure of 90/70 "

" Oh goodness!" The Doctor exclaimed.

 He wrote in a prescription paper. Demerol 50 mg every 6 hrs prn

." I would like to go lower, but bone fractures related pain are too much." said the other doctor.

 " I agree Said Doctor Torres. "Trust me, She will ask for it." m-hm At least for the first 48 hours and it has only being almost 24." Dr. Torres said.

 The other Doctor opened a black leather bag he had and a black silk bag. He pulled out a small box with 16 vials of 50 mg of Demerol, Needles, alcohol and syringes of 6 cc about 10 of those. Also pulled out a flat white box. Percocet 1 tablet, if she asks for it instead of injection. He wrote that too in the small file, he had in hand."

" I suggest you try some puree... maybe mashed potatoes? She needs to eat to get stronger. And heal faster. Have a good day all".- You got my phone num..... and the rest got lost in the distance as they walked out of the room and the guard walked behind them. 

The nurse looked from the cracked door till they were gone and said." They are gone Mr. Jackson." 

The nurse went to the kitchen to see what she could cook for the girl. Michael kept looking at the picture he have had in his right hand all the time. He sighted ." You have to eat something Ella. He whispered in her ear. You have to get better and out of that bed." She turned her face towards him and he thought she was gonna look at him... but she just sighted. He placed his hand on her head and said a quiet prayer.

"Sir? You need to eat."

 "Want me to send one of the guys to get you something? Oh come on Michael." "She isn't going anywhere."

 " I am not hungry." He replayed. He sat on a swing chair in the porch, looking at the waves in the beach. Another sunny burning day by the beach.

Michael was lost in thought about an hour later and his stomach started to complain.

 "Sir? Would you like to come for a ride by the shore fish restaurants? "- He firmly shook his head. "Stubborn man" Said Robert as he walked to Michael and picked him up by the arm and the leg and throw  him over his shoulder.

 The other guards drove the ford truck, double cabin heavy tinted windows. To the front and he shoved him in it. They all laughed and Michael smiled.

" You ain't gonna be a hero if you starve to dead and the girl survives" Said Tony , another guard.

" I can already hear her man" Said another. Imitating at annoying girls voice. " Where is my hero? He died of hunger?" what kind of hero is that?" They all laughed, even Michael.

 So for the sake of his own health he had fish and salad for dinner and took home shrimp in case the girl was hungry for something other than puree.

2 days later, around 1 pm ...." Waiiiiit! wait, wait ,wait". Michael screamed covering his head, running out of Ella's bedroom. A trail of cups, plates,silver wear fallowed in a loud clatter. Robert was having the show of his life.Covering his face; he was laughing till it hurt. Michael trying to feed her and she- pissed at him for 'holding her hostage' took it out on him, with  the lunch items.

 2 days ago after the doctors visit, around evening. Michael was sitting next to Ella while she slept, she had being given less medication. He had seemed to snoozed out while she was sleeping. She looked at his head full of curls , she looked around the room. She saw her left hand with an iv and open her eyes wide. Then looked to her right arm and it was in a cast, she whimpered. She lift the covers and saw her left leg in a cast also and she gasped. Michael snapped his head up and looked at her face. She was crying. She was gonna talk and started coughing, the waves of pain on her ribs was from 1 to 10 a big 12 . He handed her a cup of water with a straw. She sipped a little eyeing him.

" What? "- He asked ?" You are Michael Jackson". She said it as a fact.

 " Yes, yes I am" He said to her with a shy smile.

 " I always knew you were alive" She mumbled.

" What hospital is this?" she asked.

 He said slowly:" It isn't." She looked at him with an incredulous face.

" Where am I?" She asked with an arched brow. He added a bit nervous" In my house."

"What happened to me? You got hit by... a car, in front...of me? and I picked you up and brought you here?" Her eyes were buried into his own.

" As if reading him. Why?-She demanded."

" Cause the ambulance was taking to long and I know doctors , so you are being treated, from the best doctors of the island."And he smiled wide.

 She reached for the cup of water a bit shaky and .... she threw it at his face. " Liar" She said as water was running down his face and neck.He blinked several times and stood up without a word.  Got up, left the room, and closed the door. 

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