13. Dont Be So Stiff

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A few minutes later Jack had come over to help me with my 'date'. I hated using the term 'date', but I guess I just had to go with it...

"Ready to go on your date?" Jack said as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down at me.

I laughed slightly before answering,"Jack, it's not a date if he didn't ask me and after all, were just going for a walk on the beach."

"Exactly! A date it is!" She smiled wide while making a heart shaped with her hands.

"Your crazy." I shook my head back and forth slowly. Just then, Jack came up behind me and kicked the back of my knee, causing me to stumble a little. "HEY!"

"Don't be so stiff girl!" She said with the 'duh' tone.

"Whatevzee's!" I shoved her playfully, "Anyways, when did you become so girly enough that you decided to help me out with my 'date'."

"Uh...I uh, guess I was just trying to be a good person and all." She struggled with her words.


And yes I said Jacknife.

"Does da Jack Jack likey the Ni Ni?"

"Shut up!" She mumbled, hiding her face with her hands. Meanwhile, I'm mentally thinking about how cute their relationship would be.

OMGEEH THEIR TOTES ADORBS! As Clayton would say...

"Oh I'm just kidding!"


Both of our heads snapped towards the door.

Who could possibly be here at this time of day?!

Oh wait! It's only seven p.m....


"Imma commin!" I rushed to the door as fast as a ninja!

Because I'm just that amazing.

The moment I opened the door I knew this was going to be a shocker. After all, it could be the pizza man!... But it was someone just as good.

"Hey." There he stood, in his black varsity jacket and a red SnapBack over top of his perfectly quiffed hair. It was the kind of outfit that was just SO attractive!

Oh my gosh! My mind is totally off in space right now.

"Hia." I said shyly, leaning my elbow against the door frame. Suddenly, I felt my elbow slip from the edge and I stumble into his chest.

Nice going Emmaliese.

"Whoa! PDA!" Jack yells from the door way covering her eyes. We then quickly separate to face her."Emma would like to tell you something Zayn."

"No I don't." I say through clinched teeth at her.

"I think ya dooo!" She held out her words.

I'm going to kick her bum, and I'm not even dressed yet! Well, I am but I'm just wearing jean shorts and a plain ole red t.shirt.

"I have NO idea what your talking about-" I then suddenly got cut off by Zayn interrupting.

"Do you want to talk?" Looking up into his big brown eyes I could tell he was serious, and so did Jack because she slowly walked away with a hopeful smile across her face.

"Actually, I was going to ask you the same question." Closing the door behind me, we both stepped out onto the porch. The sky was absolutely beautiful at this time of day. It was almost as if Picaso painted the sky purple and orange with the sun setting just above the horizon.

"Beautiful, right?" I tensed when feeling Zayn's presence behind me, his warm breath tickling my neck. I then nodded slightly when I feel his lips press down onto my collarbone. My body disobeyed me by moaning softly. "Just like you." He finishes.

This is all new to me. Guys aren't supposed to like me...

After all, I'm just the unpopular, in-betweener girl at school that has a short nerd friend. I'm not the Emmaliese Hayes I used to be... But the truth is, I'm not that girl anymore! And I like the Emmaliese Hayes I am today, so I had to ask.

"Do you like me?"

"What do you mean?" He gets taken aback by my question.

"I mean, why do you like me?" I correct, watching him intently as he knits his eyebrows together.

"Why do you think I like you?"

"I- I guess at first I think it was because you-"


The loud sound disrupts my sentence.

We both look up to see fireworks bursting in the night sky! Mesmerized by all the colors of the different fireworks, I totally wasn't expecting when Zayn's hand slipped down beside mine. Lacing our fingers together, I smiled at him wide before giving his hand a squeeze.

I was so happy! I felt like my own little firework! Boom friggin pop! 

"What were we talking about before?" I asked, biting my lip in thought.

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