28. And The Silence Continues

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I used every ounce of strength inside of me to keep myself from going off on someone. I honestly didn't have a freaking clue why I felt so odd inside. Maybe it was Emmaliese... but, I couldn't let her make me feel all this, this, guilt and jealousy. Wait?...


"We should be going now." I said in a stern tone. After all, no matter how much I disliked Harry at the moment, he was my lad and the least I could do was simply drive him to the hospital.

"He'll wake up-" Niall started to say before Emma interrupted.

"He's right."

What, I'm right? I thought to myself, grinning in the mirror. From the corner of my eye I started to see Harry in the backseat, mumbling, and letting out a huge sighs.

"I think he's waking up now." Emmaliese runs around the side of my car and opens Harry's side of the door. All of our eyes turn to the two.

"Mmhm." Harry moans loudly before his eyes shoot open. Emmaliese jumps back slightly while holding a hand to her mouth in shock.

"Harry?" She questions, leaning in closer by his side in the car.

"OWE MY ARM!" Harry shouts, holding his arm in pain.


This is why I suggested a hospital.



I watched as Harry winced in pain, trying to hold up his bruised arm that seemed to be broken. I seriously felt so bad..

"I think my arms broken." Harry mumbled into my shoulder. I pet his hair soothingly and stared at Zayn's dark eyes in the mirror before he coughs and begins to speak.

"Um, we should go."

"Agreed." Niall and Jack say at the same time as they both hop into the backseat with Harry and I. The whole ride there I couldn't help myself but to stare at Zayn through the mirror. I don't know if I wanted to figure him out like a puzzle, but there definitely was something going on with him. I think it was the big brown eyes of his that held a lot of secrets.

"Here." I whispered into Harry's ear when I held his large arm and placed it on my lap. He closed his eyes, tensed his jaw, and grunted as his arm came down on my leg.

"Must have been a bad fall. What happened anyways?" Jack turned to the both of us in curiosity. This had been the first time any of us had heard a peep form Jack. I guess the incident started off with Zayn must have taken her aback a bit.

"Yeah, I kind of fell off the porch." Harry said, looking down at his flimsy arm making all these emotions flood in all at once.

This happened because I kissed him. This is all my fault! I have no idea what came over me at that moment we shared on his porch. Maybe it was because I liked him a little.... Or worst, maybe it was because I missed Zayn and wanted to put the past behind me.

No, I'm over Zayn right?

All of the sudden my stomach started to twist and turn with guilt and I thought I might hurl.

"We almost there?" I managed to choke out while I held onto Harry gently.

"We're here actually." Zayn spoke for like the first time ever.

We pulled into a parking spot as Niall and I helped Harry out of the car and into the building. A chubby short man greeted us at the front and asked us some information before finding us a room. Giving us the keys and the number, we all skidded off to the room to find a nurse.

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